Success with helmet!...

Helmet Liner/ Padding.

Hello, does anyone know of the best liner to keep the helment on my head? it is large on me ( can't wear with my glasses on though )... Looking for advice on an good liner where to purchase one.

I'm using an boba fett 95 helment don post.

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i used cellulose sponge (kitchen sponges) in my old Jango which was a DP convert.

But for my stormy I used Foam has 5 strips, then I used some padding from an old Army Kevlar helmet...fits perfectly to my head.
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I've heard some talk that the pads from old hockey helmets work great when you glue them in. You can pick up the helmet at a used sports store for pretty cheap.
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Where could i get this foam stuff, their is an sports shop in town, a small one but they most likely only sell new sports helmet with the padding only...
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Bought an JOFA kids ice-hekey helmet.. took out the foam inside and hot glued the peices to the inside of my helmet..

there are pics of other people who have done the same (or similar) in another thread..
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I used foam pieces from our shipping dept. Its used for packing the delicate equipment we ship. Its kind of like that memory foam stuff. You can cut it to shape and silicone glue it in place.
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Well i stoped by Walmart and our small sportsmen store.. No foam pipes or padding there, my next stop will be the local hardware stores, if nothing there i will try home depot or lowes in the metropolis city..
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Wohoo , I decided to cut the foam pipe i found the otheday in half, stuck four peices inside my bucket used some velcro on it and it sticked good!... and fits well but a little funny?..

I threw on my grey coveralls also to see how i looked, i felt naked =/ .. i guess as soon as i get the rest of the armor ( i.e Chest..back..cape) etc i will look more better and most likely better with a better jump suit...

I hope you guys support me into i complete my set of boba armor because the advice i was given so far was indeed quite helpful.. specially the helmet liner...
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