steel helmet?


New Hunter
I've been skimming through threads to see figure out the dimensions of the helmet and whatnot... but i havent really seen anything made from steel or aluminum... has anyone done this before? if so how did you handle the shaping?
I've been skimming through threads to see figure out the dimensions of the helmet and whatnot... but i havent really seen anything made from steel or aluminum... has anyone done this before? if so how did you handle the shaping?
Yes, it has been done before, but I don't believe they are for sale. There have been some people to aluminum cold cast helmets though.
Just outta curiosity, what would ya do with a metal helmet? Would it be for display, or for trooping? Reason I ask is because it's got to weigh quite a bit.
The only reason I would want one is if I could get my :jet pack working!!!!!
but still its not that dense, You can lift an Aluminum Engine block by yourself. I dont see it weighing any more than thick fiberglass.
A helmet could quite easily be welded up from Aluminum sheet. You could use 3003-H14, 6061-0 or even an 1100 series alloy. 1100 series Aluminum would be a bit soft, especially after welding. I'd probably use 6061-0 as it's a bit harder after welding and it's still pretty easy to shape. You can buy a 4ft. square sheet of .080 (about 2mm thick) for under $75. A sheet that big only weighs 1.13 lbs. so the helmet would be pretty darn light. Either way I'd TIG weld it but it could be gas welded too. Gas welding would make for more ductile joints if you have to do any shaping after welding.

If you wanted to make the helmet more durable just have it heat treated after welding to T6 condition- it will be very durable I assure you. Worst case scenario you might have a weld crack (because the welds would have to be ground down for appearance) if you dropped it off the roof of a house. Otherwise any dents from dropping it could most likely be pounded back out. Sometimes you have to worry about cracking with 6061-T6 as it work hardens very rapidly.

For steel, I'd go mild steel and wall thickness definitely not over 18ga. otherwise it would weigh a ton. It would be very durable. I once welded up a Ghostbusters proton pack wand from 16ga. steel and you could have thrown that thing out of an airplane and not hurt it. Check out the pics.....

Either way you'll have to make a hardwood form for the dome and cheek sections to hammerform the metal. Aluminum is MUCH easier to form but the helmet curves really aren't that bad all things considered.




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