You mean Topher Grace? I dont think they will release any info on him for awhile. They will probably try and hype him up. I dont believe that its truly from the film, but I do recall seeing some clips a few months back of something that looked like it was supposed to be Venom but I was not impressed whatsoever.
Oh ye of little faith...

yes, apparently Sony has taken own those videos and apparently the person made that GIF file using an old scene from Aliens, and working over it putting Toper Grace and Venom-esque images into it.
yes, apparently Sony has taken own those videos and apparently the person made that GIF file using an old scene from Aliens, and working over it putting Toper Grace and Venom-esque images into it.

:cry :cry :cry :cry ....I can dream can't I??


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yes, apparently Sony has taken own those videos and apparently the person made that GIF file using an old scene from Aliens, and working over it putting Toper Grace and Venom-esque images into it.

No, not true.
That is from the unfinished trailer that was shown to us at Comic Con this year. I actually expected the finished version to be the trailer released, but it was very different, nothing of Gwen Stacy and two shots of Eddie Brock.

The sequence starts with Eddie praying in a pew at a church cursing that he will kill Peter Parker, it then move to what looks like the bell tower, he then looks up...

As much as I've never liked the Vemon character, the teaser trailer at the Con blew away the one that was released. Maybe we'll see this during the Superbowl.
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