slush casting

Darth Fett

hi i am going to make some armor later that requires slush casting i think. i was going to sculpt the armor then make a mold of it and slush cast it so it would be hollow. i was going to use liquid plastic to do this but i dont know how. could anyone explain to me how to do this. thank you!!:)
Darth Fett said:
hi i am going to make some armor later that requires slush casting i think. i was going to sculpt the armor then make a mold of it and slush cast it so it would be hollow. i was going to use liquid plastic to do this but i dont know how. could anyone explain to me how to do this. thank you!!:)
This perhaps? I don't know much about it either, s'why I turned to WikiPedia... anyone else know much?
It really easy that is how I made these




No worries....just make sure to wear crapy clothes it gets all over the place
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