Kajitan Hunter Oct 27, 2004 #1 This is page one and two of the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Sintra. A lot of questions about the material can be answered in this. Sorry about the size of this...I'm just glad I got the pic up.
This is page one and two of the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Sintra. A lot of questions about the material can be answered in this. Sorry about the size of this...I'm just glad I got the pic up.
Foxbatkllr Well-Known Hunter Oct 28, 2004 #3 You're trying to post .asp files instead of an image file.
Lynn TXP 0369 Well-Known Hunter Oct 28, 2004 #5 Not good stuff... Woh, I didn't know it has a lead exposure anything with lead is not too good. Lynn
B BoJangleFett Active Hunter Oct 28, 2004 #6 Isn't that something? PVC contains some lead and I had my house built with PVC pipes installed because I thought the stuff was the best and safest around. Well, too late to do anything about it now. Bottled water from here on out.
Isn't that something? PVC contains some lead and I had my house built with PVC pipes installed because I thought the stuff was the best and safest around. Well, too late to do anything about it now. Bottled water from here on out.
Kajitan Hunter Oct 28, 2004 #7 Yep. We are now condemned to become a large group of sterile, half-retarded Fetts. I suppose that we will all be fine so long as we do not lick our armor, or create a dust from it...damn...
Yep. We are now condemned to become a large group of sterile, half-retarded Fetts. I suppose that we will all be fine so long as we do not lick our armor, or create a dust from it...damn...