Silly Question - Jango Visor


Active Hunter
Hey folks,

I have hunted and searched and maybe overlooked this, but is Jangos Visor black or dark green?

I apologize if I missed this somewhere.

Thanks ahead of time. :thumbsup:
I think most people go with dark green as its easy to find dark green welding visors. The darkgreen is also a bit easier to see through in my experience(which is limited). As far as accuracy goes I am non too sure but dark green often looks like black when there is a head shoved in the bucket :D
It is dark blue or black. I think I may have found something that will work. It is on order and I will post info once it gets in.
Seeing that I am also working on, what I hope to be my last Jango helmet, I need to find this stuff also. Then once I find it, letting all my friends know. :D
Inquiring mind here would also like to know the outcome asok. I didnt like the looks of the green visors I saw in some shops around me.
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There is a welding supply place in town that has the normal green stuff. That will work great for my Boba. They looked and ordered me a shield that is "Smoked Gray" Not sure what that means, so I ordered one. It should be here in about a week.
Just got a call and the face shield is in and they say it is dark and not green! So, I just wanted to tease you a bit. :lol: I am hoping to have some sort of pics up later tonight.
As WhiteArmor can tell you, I think it is a little to light. I will post pic on Friday, that way I can get it in the daylight.
I think it is a little light and it has a slight green tint.

ahhh. man....any other leads Bill?

Nope but, I do have an idea. When I ordered the shield, I also got one that was clear. I am going to buy some black dye and try and dye the clear one. That is how I did my gauntlet hoes and that worked out well.
Yes, the sheild ended up being too light sadly. I remember seeing in an old car magazine this spray on tint stuff. It is supposed to be used for tinting tail lights on cars. So I am going to look around and see if this product is still avalible and see about getting a can to try out.
Yes, the sheild ended up being too light sadly. I remember seeing in an old car magazine this spray on tint stuff. It is supposed to be used for tinting tail lights on cars. So I am going to look around and see if this product is still avalible and see about getting a can to try out.

I looked into this also. I found a link that sells it pretty cheap. There are also some on the 'bay if you search under spray tint that show pics of what it looks like on some cars. I was going to see if I could find some around town so I didnt have to order it to let you guys know how it works... here is the link to the one I found on the net..
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