I bought one of these and the earcap and lower peice on the side with the rangefinder seem to be off a bit, is there any other helmets relativly the same size with seperable earcaps that I could replace these ones with?
Actually, I had the same issue with my first Mystery Helmet. The bottom edge of the earcap is too long. I doubt Sarge can help, as he did not actually sculpt the piece.
I tried sanding the top curve down, but almost ruined the piece in the process. There are a couple other options: build your own from scratch, or contact MS for a more accurate piece.
I started making my own from scratch, it will go in underneath the "block" that's there and therefore I can make the angled part come in where its supposed to, all I need to know is how thick is the earcap supposed to be in total width from the helmet to the outer edge.