Seeker\'s Finished Jango!! 8-8-04


Well-Known Hunter
Seeker's Finished Jango!! 8-8-04

I know you guys are probably sick of me, but here goes anyway :D

Just wanted to show some parts that I made and some that I've aquired.

First is new chest armor with new vest. The vest was done by a very nice lady around my house.


Next is the codpiece I built and had fibeglassed by yours trully Uncle Fettpride.





Next is the knees. While reworking on Judz Dwedd's early version of his knees I came to a conclusion that I could probably make my own. Again thanks to Uncle Fettpride for doing an awesome job on getting these babies fiberglassed. And thanks to Judz Dwedd for the inspiration!!



Next is the backplate. I try to get the correct curve on the back, but just couldn't do it that well with sintra. I guess I'll update that later.



Thigh armor made with sintra.


Now you can't get any more accurate then this. Unless we get a scanned version of the real deal. Thanks again Fettpride.


Shoe armor.


I'm also gonna redo my shins with accurate curves. here's the version i have now. as you could see i'm practicing on the curves.

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Yea, its alright...I've seen better.:p Just messing with ya Seeker. Looks awesome man:eek: You never cease to amaze!
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Turo, everything is really looking sweet. I need to get off my butt and get some stuff done so I can get back to Jango in time for Comic con otherwise, I won't be able to wear mine around yours! :eek:
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wow..beautiful...i hope that when i get around messing with a Jango costume, i get some help from you. Its really looking good!!
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Seeker you really live up to your name and inspire us all. I can honestly say it's after meeting you at Cel 2 that I decided to start my Jango and I've enjoyed every minute making, aquiring parts and wearing it. Your latest improvements are excellent.
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I know this is a weird question, but does that chair have four four feet on a post and about 1.5x's wider than a normal chair? Just asking, because I have a chair similar to it and really enjoy it, but haven't ever seen one like it.
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What a wonderful looking armor! Your costumes become more and more elaborate and accurate, guys.

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Thnaks alot everyone - I'm glad you guys like the updates. Hopefully i have inspired a few of you. :D

broodmceto wrote:

I know this is a weird question, but does that chair have four four feet on a post and about 1.5x's wider than a normal chair? Just asking, because I have a chair similar to it and really enjoy it, but haven't ever seen one like it.

If you do have chair like mine, keep it for a long time. These chairs are the best things out ther for confort in front of a computer. I have four of these suckers. they are called the Eames Management chairs. They have been around for a long time. Very pricy. I have the vintage looking versions of them.


Check out how much they cost nowadays here.

later fellas
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Wow, coming along nicely! I"m still trying to figure out how to mount the servo motor to my JD helmet w/aluminum stalk so I can finish my helmet. I know my Jango will take a very long time. You gotta be single....right? So much time in the world. I haven't had that much time since...about '91.

Very nice work. Uncle George would be proud.
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very nice there seeker. gauntlets look great.familiar too tee hee hee!!!, i will also be posting some updated pics soon. all i really have to work on is the chest armor and vest and the knees, shins.

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I still am very impressed!! Is there anyone's butt I can kiss to please have the same kind of gauntlets made for me, if it's not gonna cost me my next child? While we're at it, knee armor and cod piece too? I already have my armor from Jodo Kast but this would put the icing on the cake!

Seeker! Amigo! Hermano! Donde puedo conseguir todo esto? Hook me up fellas! Thanks.
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