Rubies Jango blaster review(UPDATE 11/8 new paint)

phantom viper

Active Hunter
I got a set of the cheap toy Rubies Jango blasters today and I thought some of you mite like to see a review of them. I am pretty happy with them considering the price $7.99 each. I have dissected one and am getting ready to do mods and clean up. It came apart fairly easy. It is I bit flimsy but I expected it. All in all it is a good starting point for a nice Jango blaster..
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size compare to my full size DL44
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First off you have to take off a little screw to get the battery cover off witch is the gas/power cell.
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The tip of this comes off as well. Though it was harder to get off.
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The tip emitter of the barrel also comes off. Vary easily as well as the orange tip.
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Now in order to get to the screws there are little plugs to take off. I like this. even though it is a cheap toy they still thought to make it more realistic.
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The inside
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All the parts.
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Hey man!

I got news for you! I got the same.

My friend and I modified the hell out of 'em!

Seriously. I need to post these suckers real soon.

I came really frigging close to buying the almost $400.00 replicas.

But I will tell you . . .You can make them look real cool and eliminate that

plastic look! My friend did most of the work. He is influnced by H.R. Gieger

type stuff. We made these blasters overly dirty . . .More than what you would see

in Attack of the Clones . . .But I like 'em that way. It is amazing what you can do

with these plastic toys!


p.s. I hope ya plan to paint the tips of the Blasters......
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I have these as well. I haven't gotten around to them yet though. Thanks for the pics. That will help a lot.
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I rounded off the tip of the emitter to look more like the real thing. I just got rid of the orange tip that was on there before.

compare to the unaltered tip
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Oh cool! Good job on the tips....I wish I could have done that!

I must say you are on the right track!

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i used to have a pair of these and they were an exact match for my MR ones except for the length of the barrel. Add an inch or so to the barrel and theyll be perfect!!!

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I have started painting and am almost finished with the first. Still need to paint the silver on the trigger and bottom piece and do the gold detail and then clear coat. The grip came out a little darker than planed but it looks good to me. Also the silver is not as shiny as I would have liked. The paint i used is more of a dull aluminum. Not that accurate but it is all right for now.
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also, might i suggest DRYBRUSHING grey or black onti the silver to highlight some areas and to weather it. this jango is a very rugged and weathered one after all!
A really good way to shine up that paint is to airbrush it with Future floor polish, then seal it with a clear coat. I have tried this on my helmet and it came out beautifully, it adds a really deep shine without the unneeded glossiness.
Are these availbale still anywhere? I have the smaller ones that I bought in K-Mart for like $11.99. The ones that a barrel lights up orange when fired. I like them except that they are to small.
I had a comparison set of pix that show the Kenner next to a screen used resin stunt Westar 34,but,as soon as I posted them,the were deleted fronm the THD site,.......I have a W-34 "stunter' that was broken during filming.
So if you need the correct sizes to make your holsters for you Master Replicas W-34's,PM me,and I'll give the 'dead on' for the dimension,
Hmmm, now that is interesting. I am the mod of this forum and not much gets by me. I don't recall seeing such a picture nor have I removed such a picture. In fact, when we clean up posts, they are not permanently deleted, yet I can find no post from you with such a picture. Perhaps you thought you posted it but did not. You are more than welcome to post the picture here, in this topic, so we may all see it and as the mod of this forum, I guarantee you it will NOT be deleted. I am sure we would all be interested in seeing this screen used stunt Westar you have that was broken during filming.
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