Rubies Boba Fett Helmet


New Hunter
I'm getting a Boba Fett Helmet made by rubies, It is made of vinyl. Does anyone have the same mask, if so is it soft and flimsy or is it hard or what. :rolleyes O it is the standard, if you do have a helmet like mine
please add pics.
over all, it's pretty bad. i got one last september when i first got into costuming. it's very small, poorly painted, and if you don't get it already warped all crazy, it doesn't take a lot of heat for it to change shape. not to say that there isn't hope, a lot of members here have worked magic with rubies helmets, new visor, re-paint (empire strikes back or return of the jedi, take your pick they were different paint ups), re-shaping, fiberglassing the inside to sturdy it up. for the price, it's somewhere to start and begin familiarizing yourself with boba. but like most boba's eventually you're going to want something better. keep looking around here and you'll get aquainted with the various makers. have fun with it, but no lies about it, boba is an expensive project. do your homework first, and don't let noob enthusiasm let you end up dropping a few hundred into a costume that you later realize how inaccurate it is. i did that when i started, but fortunately i can salvage some of it for other projects. finally, welcome to TDH, the place where everything you think you know about boba fett goes right out the window. :)
Just keep in mind that you will likely spend close to as much trying to rework it as you may on a pretty nice helmet that is already good to go. Good luck either way. :thumbsup:
that was the thread i was going to go looking for ds2k2. but since you were the one that started that thread, i guess you would know where to find it faster than i would.
I started with the Rubies Jango and it was a nightmare. I spent way to much time and effort trying to get it re-worked. Your better off getting one from BM, MS, FP, etc. here one the broads or from Master replicas than spending all that time and effort on that crappy vinyl helmet. No matter how good you make it look your gonna want a better one when your done.
ugh...i just bought a vinyl jango helmet and i...was expecting better? i guess?...the visor is nothing like what is shown on the website. which means i will need to get one...and also i am gonna have to do a little more work on it than i expected...its actually a little big on me as not sure if i should have looked more. someone said to go with the vinyl rubies jango...and i not made of money, but i do wish it would have been better. i dont know thats just my noob opinion i guess.
ugh...i just bought a vinyl jango helmet and i...was expecting better? i guess?...the visor is nothing like what is shown on the website. which means i will need to get one...and also i am gonna have to do a little more work on it than i expected...its actually a little big on me as not sure if i should have looked more. someone said to go with the vinyl rubies jango...and i not made of money, but i do wish it would have been better. i dont know thats just my noob opinion i guess.

Yeah, sometimes I wonder if some websites show pics of the movie instead of what they're actually selling. Kinda like if you get a burger from Macdonalds, the actual burger doesn't look as good as it does in the pics! Ever seen that movie 'Falling Down'? :lol:
hey bud, speaking from experience, if anyone asked if they should go with a rubies, i would say to stay as far away from it as possible...i got mine, and was disappointed in it, to say the least...but i spent the money, and took on the challenge of doing it up...i had no idea of the resources of TDH and everyone here...i painted it, thought it was good, and got wise very quick to what was wrong with it...studying pics, getting advice, learning others techniques, i learned quickly that i wasnt satisfied with is a link to some pics of my rubies...

i would look into contacting SgtFang, his mystery lids require some work, but they are FAR better than the rubies, and much more satisfying...if you are up for it, take on that rubies lid, more power to ya, that is why we are here, to help out with that...but if you want a rockin' outfit, rubies and star fortress are NOT the way to go...TDH is the place for ALL your Fett needs, and you cant go wrong with the quality of stuff that is offered may have to wait for your items, i know...but in the end, you will have the best costume for the money you paid, because it is coming from the best !!! TDH ROCKS!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: and yes, the rubies is flimsy, warped, and you will constantly be struggling with it...
Yeah, sometimes I wonder if some websites show pics of the movie instead of what they're actually selling. Kinda like if you get a burger from Macdonalds, the actual burger doesn't look as good as it does in the pics!

yeah but at least the burgers taste the same either way...pretty or

but yes...this helmet cost me money so i guess i am gonna tuff it out ;)...and i agree TDH is the best to help me with it...
Yeah, sometimes I wonder if some websites show pics of the movie instead of what they're actually selling. Kinda like if you get a burger from Macdonalds, the actual burger doesn't look as good as it does in the pics! Ever seen that movie 'Falling Down'? :lol:

Are you suggesting that we go on a rampage with a baseball bat a knife and a bag full of guns because of the unsatesfactory nature of Rubies helmets?

I'm in.
how about making a STICKY thread telling newbs to steer clear of Rubies? ignorance is not always bliss....;) knowing what NOT to get is...:D
how about making a STICKY thread telling newbs to steer clear of Rubies? ignorance is not always bliss....;) knowing what NOT to get is...:D

I'll second that. And third, fourth fifth that. Rubies deserves the bag full of goodies. Still, there are spectacular examples of what rubies bucket can be turned into..
oh, for sure, brother!! but if you dont know what you are gettin into, and werent planning on doing all that work, especially if you dont know how, it is a waste of time, effort, resources, etc...when you could just spend like another 50-75 bucks for like a mystery lid, and by the time you fix the rubies, you have spent more than that...i dont know, i am sure some of us really want that challenge, and i totally respect that, but some dont, and they really need to know what they are getting into with the Rubishiz..;)
I would stay away from Rubies. Find a DP if you can - the older the better. The DP and Rubies are good for smaller people, but the Rubies requires too much reworking.

Which helmet looks best on you is somewhat dependent on your build. I used a DP for my kids suit, a "mystery" helmet would have looked ridiculously HUGE.

If you are 5'6" or above I would definitely just spend the money on a Sarge or some other helmet.
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