Rub n Buff help!


New Hunter
Hi there,:)

can anyone help with any tips on RNB'G,I've practiced on a shoulder piece,and it's buffed up quite nicely,but the finish seems to tarnish and leave finger prints on the armour when handled! this normal,or does it eventualy dry thoroughly,I did leave it around a hour after buffing it before i touched the armour part,it's just that I wanna start on a helmet soon,and with the amount of handing the helmet will have,it'll end up looking terrible?.

Also if you slightly drag your nail across the finished part you've RNB'D it leaves a slight scratch,it seems the finish remains quite soft!.

Sorry for being niave about his stuff,I just wanna get it right!

Any help will be great!.

many thanks.
I've been trying to get Seeker to share some pointers for about 2 years now... maybe we can get him to give us some advice? :) I do o.k. with rub n buff but not as good as some of the folks here.
You might want to try Model Masters (Metalizer Lacquer) lot no# (1451- Aluminum Plate) You can get this at your local Hobby Store (havn't seen it anywhere else) I used it on my rocket for my ROTJ JP. It looks great and shines up really nicely, I almost didn't want to scar my rocket with red paint, but.... Oh well. C
Some of the members costumes look awesome with the rub n buff method,I did find some old threads on here regarding other peoples problems,it looks like it's been talked about on here quite a few times!.

It was just a test I done today,I'm gonna rub back all the armour and sand,then prime it,hopefully it'll adhere better,I'll let you know how I get on!.

I'm based in the UK,model masters paints are scarce here,I've been trying to get hold of the Boba colours in pollyscale too,but no luck either,I'm desperate to get hold of panzer olive green!.

Thanks for the help guys.

If ya found my thread, then you'll know not to touch ANYTHING in your house until ya wash your hands! Oh yeah ... make sure ya have soap in you're house too!

Anyway, I'd suggest letting the stuff dry for a few minutes before ya touch it again. It does come off very easily ... even after a few days. I usually grap the armor from near the edges since the edges are gonna be weathered anyway.
Thanks guys,

I remember the post with the RNB everywhere,hmm,I must remember to purchase plenty of soap (ahem!).

I've been thinking of going down the Alclad2 chrome paint route!,I've seen some pretty excellent pictures of members helmets painted with it one here,looks pretty cool:lol:
The RNB is also super duper cheap. Like 2-3 bucks will cover the whole suit. Its really not that hard. Just make sure to prime it and wetsand it multiple times so that its super duper smooth like you could eat off of it. Then put a little bit of rnb on your finger and rub it, then buff it. Pretty simple. Just be careful not to touch anything till you clean your hands. The helmet might rub off on some stuff for a week, but it will cure, and the more you buff it, the less will rub off later.
I've been trying to get Seeker to share some pointers for about 2 years now... maybe we can get him to give us some advice? :) I do o.k. with rub n buff but not as good as some of the folks here.

I'm going to do video presentation for you guys. Exactly the way i do it. :lol:

Sorry Moncal. I feel like i dissapointed you big time. You still like me right?

I'll do it ASAP
I'll check around for the video. It was a friends camera we were using, so maybe they still have the DC tapes that went with it.
I'm going to do video presentation for you guys. Exactly the way i do it. :lol:

Sorry Moncal. I feel like i dissapointed you big time. You still like me right?

I'll do it ASAP

:lol: .. Yeah.. I think I can find it in my heart to forgive you ;) The only reason I asked is because I missed it when the video was made.

It's all good :thumbsup:
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