Riddell Fett helmet


New Hunter
So i recently got myself a nice Riddell Fett helmet. Being a Jango fan, i am actually thinking of repainting it into a Jango.
Should i do it? Cool or lame?
Welcome to the dented helmet!

Maybe show us a picture of the fett helmet u got. then we might be able to decide if u should paint it or not.
Well, i am having very sore thumbs from dismantling the helmet but i finally did it!!
Now its time to shop for the correct color tones at the automobile spray paint section..
Heres a pic of my progress.
Removed the T visor!

I can't score a mini helmet on Ebay as they are going for nutso prices and guys here are tearing them apart and repainting them as Jangos.... :cry
Ripcode said:
I can't score a mini helmet on Ebay as they are going for nutso prices and guys here are tearing them apart and repainting them as Jangos.... :cry

Yeah, I had a really hard time getting mine as well.
I ended up getting one in a "lot" purchase.
It had the Boba, the Vader, & the Stormtrooper all together.
It was $238 shipped.
A pretty good deal I thought.
The stormies get a little pricey
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