request for help.


New Hunter
hello everyone. i've been viewing your site for months and have been looking through some of the work you guys have done, and i must say, great job!. i've always wanted to attempt to make a Jodo Kast replica armor suit (based on the decipher costume[ ] but have never been able to figure out where and how to start. finding your site was a blessing and all the information you guys have on the site is great.

i recently have gotten my business running and have been able to get some extra money so i've decided to start working on one of these. i'm guessing i should begin with a helmet and was wondering if anyhow had any tips on where to get one from? and if you have any other tips or comments about my suit please post.

best regards,
hey man, you can go to the Cargo hold and request a helmet for purchaes. if it comes with a dent no worries, just bondo over it.

what kind of buiness if you don;t mind me asking, o and what experiance you have with building things?
hey man, you can go to the Cargo hold and request a helmet for purchaes. if it comes with a dent no worries, just bondo over it.

what kind of buiness if you don;t mind me asking, o and what experiance you have with building things?

not much except some old balsa wood airplanes that are rubber band powered (the hard part was making them fly). and as for the business i run a start-up skateboarding company.
If you have the cash, get a Bobamaker. If you are a bargain shopper for a decent quality recast, you can get one for just under $100 from Sgt Fang. If you order one soon, I think he's offering free shipping-but for how long it's hard to say. It's going to take weeks or up to 2+ months for your orders to arrive but that seems to be par for the course. You can find their emails through the Members List-they'll hook you right up. You can also keep an eye on The Cargo Hold for parts, you get lucky there sometimes, and much faster shipping since you probably won't have long to wait-but it's hit or miss when one'll show up...Good luck, if you have any questions, many of us would be happy to help if possible so ask away...Oh, and welcome to TDH!

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