
Well i know the colors for the ESB verion, is the ROTJ the same color by only the ear are gold? o ya do u know a good ref. picture place for both helmet.
Get the "BLUE" masking tape. Its painters masking tape and wont take off any of the paint your covering up once you masked it off. Or liquid masking tape, both work really well. hope this helps - Tim

Eagleskull wrote:

thanks man one more question umm what good for battle damage masking tape or what? What can i use that would make it look good

As TK-409 says in his macro-bino demo on his site mustard works well. Yes as in the kind you put on a sandwich. I've found it better to let it dry totally before you paint anything.
No the mustard wont, it shouldnt anyways. Just let it dry and the paint over the mustard. Its the same effect as the liquid masking. - Tim
I have used the Mustard method (Thanks DustinCropsBoy!), but I didn't on my Mystery helmet. I just painted in layers without masking. ...


Tim Allen wrote:

Here is all the ref. shots you will need to decide between esb and rotj. here

I know this is a great resource but which pics are the ESB helmet, pre-pro, and ROTJ? I want to start painting my ESB version, but I'm not sure which pics to use as a reference.

Any help would be appreciated.
I used liquid masking for my helmet, just let it dry and put on another coat and another that should make it strong enough to prevent that the silver coat gets damaged.

It is easy to paint it on therfore you can be more accurate in making the scratches and it comes more realistic.

Check out this link, here I have the pictures of my paint porgress.

Hope it helpes.
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