Removing velcro glue residue?


Sr Hunter
Hi all,
After my recent move, when I unpacked my hobby stuff, I discovered that the industrial strength velcro strips on my ammo belt had "slid" from where I had placed them. I need to replace them (obviously) but I need something to remove the gooey glue residue from the vinyl belt.
Anyone know of any cleaning products that will take this stuff off without dissolving/eating through the vinyl?
Thanks for any info.
GOO GONe is pretty good you can get it in your hardware store. Might be a little less rough that the other two, but just as effective.
never_risk_the_fett_man said:
nail polish remover or olive oil...both work like dreams! promise
Olive oil???? Really? That's so weird. I don't want to wind up smelling like an Italian restaurant after I'm done though :lol:
I was going to say goof off or goo gone (one of those names) too, but test it in a inconspicuos spot first as I have had it take the color out of things before.
Maybe peanuit butter its works like a charme to get gum out of hair??? Just a thought. You never know?
Hmm, olive oil. . . peanut butter. . . to re-emphasize: I'm trying to get the residual glue off, not make a sandwich!! :)
Thanks for the advice folks. I'm sure one of these will work.
GOO GONe is pretty good you can get it in your hardware store. Might be a little less rough that the other two, but just as effective.

Thats what I use and love it.

-Tony Vida; TK 3204; Austin, Tx
I'd steer away from nail polish remover as most have acetone and even those that don't still are REALLY harsh on plastic and can melt some on contact.

Paint thinner/mineral spirits is more than adequate. Goo gone is another great alternative.

try using brand new Industrial strength velcro.
take the sticky side & stick it to the old glue residue witha a dabbing motion.
it worked on my Tk armor.
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