PVC Board


New Hunter
Hello, everyone. I've been a member of this site for quite a while, and this is my first post. Building a Boba Fett costume was always a pipe dream, but now I finally have the means, and the time, to do it. I've decided to go with PVC board for the armor. I have a question. Once I heat the PVC board, I'm guessing I will need a mold of some kind to put it on so that it takes the proper shape while it cools. Does anyone have any recommendations on making a mold? I appreciate any help.
If you are talking about PVC Sintra board, you don't need a mold to shape it. You can just use a heat gun or powerful hair dryer and gloves and also utilize curved objects like a bucket or similar to help form it against with your hands. Having a second person can also be helpful to help form curves over parts of your body, just be careful of heat obviously. Also be careful not to get it too hot as you can leave glove finger impressions on it.

There's lots of good videos and information online about using Sintra to create Mandalorian armor. Here's some links to get you started.

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