Proud owner of a Marrow Sun Helmet!

Lake of Fire

New Hunter
My MS Helmet arrived today and I couldn't be more impressed! I just wanted to give a quick thanks to Marrow Sun for his incredible work! :thumbsup:

Also, a thanks to Spidey for the recommendation....glad I took your advice!

I can't wait to get started on it!!!
Lake of Fire said:
My MS Helmet arrived today and I couldn't be more impressed! I just wanted to give a quick thanks to Marrow Sun for his incredible work! :thumbsup:

Also, a thanks to Spidey for the recommendation....glad I took your advice!

I can't wait to get started on it!!!

A MS Helmet is a Great Start...:thumbsup: .....keep us posted..
superjedi said:
I had lots of fun working on my MS too. Post pics as you go!

I'll need all the feedback i can get since I'm new to this, so I'll definitely be sure to post as I go. Due to my schedule, however, my updates won't be as frequent as most. This seems to be THE place for Fett knowledge, so I appear to be in the right place!
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