Prototyping Materials Volatility and Flamability


Active Hunter
I want to construct a prototype. I have Balsa, Bondo, Sintra and I have polymer clay (bake it and it hardens). If I build a base for a prop (I am making a Sling Gun) out of cut pieces of Balsa, and apply polymer clay around it, fully encasing it...when it is baked, what will happen to the balsa? will it shring, expand, burn or do nothing at all? Let me know before I spend hours on this. Thanks - John
why dont you use a heavy pourous wood if its just a prototype, it doesnt have to be light does it? I dunno if I would stick balsa wood into an oven.
the reason for balsa is I have no machines. I can cut it with an exacto. If the balsa is fully coated with polymer clay, will it be insulated from ignition?
I wouldn't stick any type of polymer clay in an oven because it will let off toxic fumes, and or, bubble and burn. If you are using a bake type clay in addition to other materials, you need to make only the clay pieces and bake them and apply them after they are hardened. Unless it is ment to be baked, don't stick any type of 2 part epoxy, Bondo, Resin, Fiberglass, or plastics in the oven due to the fact that they can melt and give off poisoness fumes.
The clay says oven-bake to harden. Is it safe to use? I got it at a craft daughter said she plays with it at school. So, if I make a detail panel that I want to add to my wood base, do so separately, then glue and bondo together? I have a schematic, so it would be relatively easy...I think. Thanks Fettcicle!

fettcicle wrote:

I wouldn't stick any type of polymer clay in an oven because it will let off toxic fumes, and or, bubble and burn. If you are using a bake type clay in addition to other materials, you need to make only the clay pieces and bake them and apply them after they are hardened. Unless it is ment to be baked, don't stick any type of 2 part epoxy, Bondo, Resin, Fiberglass, or plastics in the oven due to the fact that they can melt and give off poisoness fumes.
Its sculpy, its save to use in the oven. Commen sense tells you not to leave it in for hours, just the recommended curing temp&time. My first set of gauntlets where made from that and that stuff gets hard as a brick.
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