Progress pic w/ couple questions


Active Hunter
Here is a shot of my helmet I am still painting. I am currently still on the battle damage on the mandibles. I was gonna go for screen accurate then quickly realized I don't have the patience :facepalm

I am a little nervous in doing the kill stripes... Would hand painting the kill stripes with it masked be ok? I am just worried about underspray with airbrushing. Also, what is best for the clear coat? I have read a few different things matte finish...clear finish etc ??

Looks great! I strongly suggest the TK409 killstripe templates, plus they come with instructions and examples. As for the finish alot has been said for Testors Dullcoat.

Good luck.
Furious said:
Also, what is best for the clear coat? I have read a few different things matte finish...clear finish etc ??


To me Testors Dull coat is great but it will "DULL" out on the great silver scratch work you've done.

I use Air-brush Polly Sale Acrylic Paints for the finish I first use a Satin finish, YES SATIN. This keeps the SILVER Scratches Nice and Shiny,which is the whole point of the layered masking effect... Normally two good coats.
Then after dried I come back with a Flat finish...again two good costs..Mainly on all the color areas and around the previously sprayed scratches...It WORKS GREAT!!:thumbsup: And you'll be happy with the result.

Here's a link you can buy both at....they're on the same page. Hope this helps.
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Wow, you've been movin right along on that thing.. lookin nice.. I was thinking about going with the same silver (thanks for the pic btw) as you, but now seeing it alittle more done, I think I'll be grabbing a can of that.. You seemed to equally share my frustration with Testors chrome, so I think I'll be followin ya on the silver.. :)
Yeah I am actually very pleased with the chrome base coat I used. If this last one didn't work I probably would have thrown my helmet out the window cause I would have been so pissed.

I ended up doing my kill stripes and they turned out perfectly. not one spec of underspray. I didn't use TK409's template to spray over but rather as a reference. I just cut out 1/4 " strips of masking tape and created the squares and then used the liquid mask to mask off the chipped areas.

Back to the clear finish... Will any of these finishes darken the colors? I don't really want the colors to go darker than they already are especially the green, I think it is a little too dark anyway.

BTW Spidey, Just wanted to say thanks.. I have been using your post on how you went about painting the helmet. It really has helped me a lot as I am sure a lot of others.
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Furious said:
Back to the clear finish... Will any of these finishes darken the colors? I don't really want the colors to go darker than they already are especially the green, I think it is a little too dark anyway.

BTW Spidey, Just wanted to say thanks.. I have been using your post on how you went about painting the helmet. It really has helped me a lot as I am sure a lot of others.

Glad I good help:thumbsup: ...I think a lot of people have benefited from that Thread....Someday I will/SHOULD finish it.:facepalm The Helmet and the Thread.

And to answer your clear finish question: It will turn a TAD darker, BUT not as dark if you were to use Testors Dull Coat......IT GETS REALLY DARK with that stuff. That's my experience anyway.

Post More PICS!!:)
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Here are a few more. overall I am somewhat satisfied how it is turning out..being a helmet virgin and all. I still have quite a bit of weathering to do and of course the ear pieces.


and with the back finished
Great Stripes....But.... I don't want to put a Monkey-Wrench on your awesome paint job, but they look a little small..

Did you use TK409's?? If so, you have to "Fit to page" when printing from his template to get the correct size...

Maybe it's the angle in which you took the Picture..???:facepalm

Colors look right on though.

Furious said:
Here are a few more. overall I am somewhat satisfied how it is turning out..being a helmet virgin and all. I still have quite a bit of weathering to do and of course the ear pieces.


and with the back finished
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Ya know.. I also noticed that on the photos. I think it is the way the angle of the photos are.. I went back over with a fine tooth comb and it measures up. That really scared me when I looked at those pics..I was afraid to go back and look at my helmet but it seems fine.
Thanks for the compliments.

Ok After further review my killstripes were too small.. :facepalm . I can't believe I was so stupid. anyway I ended up respraying them on and I think I got it this time. They aren't perfect but they'll do. Live and learn I guess.

AHHH YES...Much Better...
Coming along nicely...:thumbsup:
Furious said:
Thanks for the compliments.
Ok After further review my killstripes were too small.. :facepalm . I can't believe I was so stupid. anyway I ended up respraying them on and I think I got it this time. They aren't perfect but they'll do. Live and learn I guess.

Ok so I am kinda stumped, I have the resin RF. What color paint should I use to paint the clear/plastic looking part?
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