Possible part ID on the gloves


Active Hunter
Ok, I have recently taken up fencing and noticed that the gloves are VERY similarly padded to Boba's. I said something about it to the coach at my school and he said bring a picture and he'd see if he could tell. As soon as I showed him a photo he identified them as definately fencing gloves and even gave me the brand name. I have it written down at work but forgot to bring it home with me. I'll post the company tomorrow. Unfortunately they went out of business not long ago, but it's something we can look into.
Are the pads of the fencing gloves hand-stitched? Because the original ones on the MoM and AoSW displays are. It will be interesting to see what you can find!
Having Googled fencing gloves, I can definitely see why he might think Fett gloves are related to fencing gloves. Heck, maybe they even inspired the design.

However, we have ample, detailed photographs that strongly suggest the base gloves are just white, parade-style glove with a button closure, especially since the accent material is the same as the vest and neck seal.

Still, it would be interesting to see what he comes up with! :)
What would help is a catalog of fencing gloves from the 1970's. Gloves today may look very different from older ones, and the construction may have been closer to the look of parade gloves in the 70's.

Ok, the brand he said they look like are Santelli. He took one look at them and said they looked like Santelli saber gloves. I've been unable to find any pictures of the fencing gloves anywhere though. Maybe someone else will have better look
Yeah, it's been a while. I need to get on the boards more often...I've missed so much. Darn world of warcraft addiction is killing me!
I know these are not the correct loves but they would work for a Custom Fett if you remove the logo on the cuff:

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