Polishing my Black Series helmet...With Pics!

Agreed....but this could work in the favor of the builder. Mandos whole outfit is kida put together at various points in time so nothing is going to match each other 100%. A slight variation would actually be more appropriate. Just my two cents.
Hmm. Interesting point. And a good one. Mando got his Beskar helmet long before he got the rest of his beskar suit.

I have both the Black Series helmet and a resin one which matches the rest of my armor. I just like the way that the Black Series one fits me more, doesn't wobble around my head as much, and would be much more comfortable to wear around a con all day.
Ok so that’s a different question…I’m no expert, but I believe the prop masters would tell you that no two paint jobs (batches) are alike - meaning, if one prop builder paints your helmet with Alumaluster and a different one paints your armor with Alumaluster, there are bound to be subtle/slight differences in the final product due to the many variables (weather conditions, paint guns used, priming process, etc).

So the reason i say that is, I would have him paint it to match if that’s your goal.

Hope my ramblings made sense lol
Lol, it made perfect sense. Thank you.
Hmm. Interesting point. And a good one. Mando got his Beskar helmet long before he got the rest of his beskar suit.

I have both the Black Series helmet and a resin one which matches the rest of my armor. I just like the way that the Black Series one fits me more, doesn't wobble around my head as much, and would be much more comfortable to wear around a con all day.

Then do yourself a favor and wear the Black Series helmet;) Ive trooped in TE armor, Jango Fett armor, Aliens Colonial Marine armor, A7L Apollo Lunar suit and comfort is the key in all of them. The Mando outfit looks to be fairly comfortable from a costume standpoint but you'll always find something thats pulls/pokes/falls after a few hours of useage. Other bit of advice, whatever pigments you use to weather your Black series helmet, use on some parts of your armor to tie them together visually. Once its all on, it will be a complete package.
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