Parts for Arena (Stubby) Jet Pack

Joren Fett

Active Hunter
Parts for Arena (Stubby) Jetpack

Hi All,

I'm back to work on my arena jet pack, and I'm still having trouble finding two key parts:

1) The angled connectors that attach the thruster cones to the bottom of the pack.
2) The dome-shaped exhaust vent at the bottom center of the pack.

Below is a great pic of SEEKER's jet pack for reference. Unfortunately, I've never been able to
get any leads from him, including recently. I guess he's super-busy.

Does anyone know where I can get these parts to complete my jet pack? Thanks in advance!

Joren Fett

arenajet pack010.JPG
As far as the angled connectors, I use some PVC pipe that is about 1 inch across and about 1 inch tall. I cut the pipe at an angle. If I get the vent do made I will post pics.
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Sorry I can't help out in every way. But I can help you in the new Arena blue color. After seeing new images of the pack from Europe. (thanks to Mirax) there's a new color for the blue. I've done instense color matching and concluded that the color is "regal blue" #1901. I painted the jet pack last nite and it looks dead on. Before I used the color from the Visial Dictionary, and I liked that way it looked.

Asok :p sorry man. You could kick my butt next time you see me. You know why. I'll have that answer soon. I need to drive to the place in order to get the name and exact size. sorry bud.

Life has been pretty busy lately for me. Moved to a new neigbornood thats further away from my job and my travel time has increased dramaticly.

I only have 4 hours of personal time at home. Half of that I like to spend it with my fiance and the other two I spent redoing my illustration portfolio and reading online to see whats going on in the world.

So yeah pretty busy.
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SEEKER said:
.. concluded that the color is "regal blue" #1901.

Who makes that color? and is it going to be as hard as "Ocean Blue" to find?

BTW does anyone know where I can order spray paints over the net?
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Krylon makes it. Just type up Krylon on Google and you'll find tons of places to buy.
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Can't you tell me where you got those two parts... or at least what they
are, so I can look for them myself? Thanks again and happy holidays!

Joren Fett
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Joren Fett said:

Can't you tell me where you got those two parts... or at least what they
are, so I can look for them myself? Thanks again and happy holidays!

Joren Fett

I'm really sorry dude. I didnt construct my jet pack. This stubby is an MLC Stubby jet pack. If you would like to know what MLC used please contact Bountys Haunted. Bountys Haunted is the go to man for all MLC parts.

My pack was ready to go and paint. The ony thing I built into it is the strap system.

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ok this is telling me allot:

do a google search and you get only 2 basic results:

1) :lol:
2) a bunch of sites that link you back to the same on-line retail site and they are sold out. :(
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Those all show Krylon products.

I was looking for rustoleum satin federal blue for the "stubby" jet pack

opps I forgot to say what I was searching for. Sorry man, my bad.
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Okay, okay... for some reason I thought you put that one together
yourself. Anyway, thanks for the reply. At least I'll know to stop
bugging you about it now. haha. :)

I'll try to track down Bountys Haunted (or is it Hunted?). Meanwhile,
if anyone knows where to find those two parts, please let me know.

Joren Fett
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tk-938 said:
Those all show Krylon products.

I was looking for rustoleum satin federal blue for the "stubby" jet pack

opps I forgot to say what I was searching for. Sorry man, my bad.

Hey tk-938,

They stopped making Federal Blue about two years ago. I remember
searching everywhere for it before finally calling Rustoleum to confirm.

Their replacement colors aren't quite the same, so you'll have to find
a suitable alternative. Try various "slate," "country," and "wildflower"
blues, and you'll get a good match.

Joren Fett
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Joren Fett said:
Hey tk-938,

They stopped making Federal Blue about two years ago. I remember
searching everywhere for it before finally calling Rustoleum to confirm.

Their replacement colors aren't quite the same, so you'll have to find
a suitable alternative. Try various "slate," "country," and "wildflower"
blues, and you'll get a good match.

Joren Fett

Thanks for the info. I am thinking of getting color samples and stalk seeker until I can match it. ;)
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No - I'll start a new thread on monday with new colors and weathering.

I'm taking some kick butt pictures tommorow nite.;)

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What gave me the blues for my arena jp was...

Krylon's Fusion for Plastic Navy #2326
Rustoleum's Painter's Touch Country Blue #1924:)

...but if I had to do it over again, which I might sometime soon with less weathering, I'd go with a tad darker blue and stay with the Country Blue cuz I couldn't find a dang thing that was any closer in color.

For the bottom vent I would look for something at Walmart or Home Depot that was that rounded oval shape, cut the grooves, and then wrap it with a strip of 1/8" sintra around the middle. Maybe find it as some kind of kitchen/home storage container, hair shampoo bottle, automotive packaging, ???. Let me know if you find anything cause I have to make one too:thumbsup: .


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Heres mine's, arena stubby (though thats obvious).
looks cool doesn't it? :D
yea i know, it's ugly. though, it is my first try.

for MY blue, i simply used royal blue. i got the spray paint from some cheapo store. it cost only a buck 50!!! :lol:

i'm also going to add the extra detail. what i want to know is, at least how thick does the triangles on the side tube have to be?


EDIT: oh yea, i forgot to mention, i used cardboard;paper mache on my jet pack.

Jp2 003.jpg
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Qman101 said:
...i'm also going to add the extra detail. what i want to know is, at least how thick does the triangles on the side tube have to be?

The "triangle" pieces on mine are 3/16 inch thick, which looks good to me.
Just refer to the reference pics you like, and do what works best for you.

Joren Fett
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