Painting the Grant McCune Helmet (GMH)

hmm the white blobs look like the helmet has been left sitting around while someone paints their bathroom, the back green looks very ROTJ to me and I'm still not 100% on the POG it looks quite blueish, I think the Humbrol equivalent is closer, 78 is it? I'm sure TF can confirm
A very challenging paint job, deceivingly simple I think. The colours strike me as being quite dusty in appearance, might be the pics of course and that pink on the mandibles will make or break the look. The dent appears to be an odd colour, not quite silver or grey...? Looking forward to everyones solutions!

I agree, this is going to be another squintathon I can tell!
hmm maybe it was layered. Still seems like some of it has to be topical. Some of the silver blobs on the dome just don't look layered it looks more painted on and sloppy. I'm still convinced that "pink" is topical though. That one image really shows the base red showing through and if you look near the edges of the pink section where it intersects with the silver you can see bits of the base red.

I'm gonna do a test later tonight just to see what reefer grey over caboose would look like.
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Good idea...the top like the ROTJ appears to be layered then some more **** over the silver creating that effect...i misted green and grey over the areas like that on the ROTJ
This pic is very interesting: PP 2 Helmet 05 I know this is the beat-up version but there is definitely some areas that looked brushed on as well as some areas that have been weathered after the initial mask peel.
A couple of things regarding that image of the dome.


#1--The white "blobs" I was talking about earlier. It appears as though some of the silver/gray damage lays over the white. This would be a strange trick if the white got spattered on the helmet after its paint work was complete.

#2--As I highlighted in these 2 places, it looks like an odd mix of layered work here. If we consider this as a layered paint job, it seems that a base coat of silver was applied, then misted with some darker tone. After which, some areas were masked and a layer of green applied, allowing the mixed silver/darker gray to show through. Then, in some places, it looks like entirely new silver patches were added topically. :confused
IMHO all the helmet was painted the layered way (as all the helmets painted by Sandy), then the dark-weathering applied making the effect of darker zones over the green, I don't know about the white spots. And 99.9% sure it's not POG for the dome.
I'm convinced this helmet was totally layered, but then I would be...:) I think the real secret is the masking tape "pull" effect through the top coat, down to the base silver; the silver seams too detailed to be painted either topically or with liquid mask. Maybe the secret to the extra damage ( especially seen on the wear on the ears, between the publicity shots and the final images with it's present owner ) is the lack of key between the silver layer and top coat, very easy to pick off paint layers, but also easy for paint to be chipped/rubbed off accidentally...

I think it's possible that it's POG but maybe a very light coat? pog can stay really light over a silver base coat if only one light coat is applied. Still though it might not be right. I'm gonna take a swatch to my hobby shop and look at a bunch of testors acrylics and enamels.

I'm gonna try to do some tests for the pink color tonight.
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A couple of things regarding that image of the dome.


#1--The white "blobs" I was talking about earlier. It appears as though some of the silver/gray damage lays over the white. This
would be a strange trick if the white got spattered on the helmet after its paint work was complete.

#2--As I highlighted in these 2 places, it looks like an odd mix of layered work here. If we consider this as a layered paint job, it
seems that a base coat of silver was applied, then misted with some darker tone. After which, some areas were masked and a layer
of green applied, allowing the mixed silver/darker gray to show through. Then, in some places, it looks like entirely new silver
patches were added topically. :confused

Interesting point in #2 except you missed a step. The bright silver would have been liquid masked first, then the grey pre shading applied, then select areas of grey or silver grey would have been liquid masked before the green top coat.
IMO the bolbs are damage it does look like its part of the paint job coz of the spray ovr it But the fact that we know when it was molded to make copies they used the rong prducts and had trouble removing it it would not just release hence the score marks from cuting the mold , if you are to use say plaster or a solid ruber when moulding the chosen product can adheare to sertin paints in dirent ways there for when removing the mould the paint stays with the mould not the painted surface. This is just my tyhorts on this mater.
Interesting point in #2 except you missed a step. The bright silver would have been liquid masked first, then the grey pre shading applied, then select areas of grey or silver grey would have been liquid masked before the green top coat.

Garrett, yeah, I see what you mean. My brain just doesn't think as 'layered' as yours! :)
Garrett, yeah, I see what you mean. My brain just doesn't think as 'layered' as yours! :)

The PP2 is reminding me of the ROTJ I did a while back, it's all masking and pre shading on the silver and even that stage has 3 or 4 layers before any colour goes on and then there's more shading to be done! I'm still scratching my head over those white marks on the back as they do have grey/silver within them which would suggest another explanation other than real damage...:confused
TF, after all the paintjob is done, the helmet was weathered over it, just as RotJ, that would explain the weathering over the white things.
Good idea...the top like the ROTJ appears to be layered then some more **** over the silver creating that effect...i misted green and grey over the areas like that on the ROTJ

As everyone so far has said, we all know Sandy painted the ROTJ and the PP2... so IMO paints would probably be along the same lines... as we can all see that the misting, weathering and paint colors are equal when comparing the two helmets...(compare shot below)


I've painted three ROTJ helmets in my day... not many, but I came up with a color list that I still use to this day.... so I will probably use the same colors from my ROTJ list. Now I base these colors on a silver layered underneath background or base color, as this will determine the over all hue ... and as others have said there are weathered layered silver scratches layered is def the way to go.

Spidey's ROTJ/ PP2 list:
  • Helmet dome and cheeks: Dunkelgrum RLM 82 (Model Masters SKU# 2091)
  • Mandibles: Wisconsin Central Maroon (Floquil/ Polly Scale SKU# F110282)
  • Pink on the Mandibles: ???
  • Under cheeks: Ger. RLM 73 green (Floquil/ Polly Scale #F505316)
  • Back of helmet: CNW Green (Floquil/ Polly Scale SKU# F110262) **Currently doing test swatches, it's kinda too saturated, I may change this.
  • Kill Stripes: Southern Pacific Scarlet (Floquil/ #F110136)
Again these are not set in stone... but these are just base colors, weathering and misting colors are "not included". ;)

If not POG for the dome and lower cheeks, what color are you guys thinking?
IMO Sean we should definately shy away from anything ESB, as two different painters and painting styles painted each helmet.

Hope this helps.

ROTJ PP2 compare.jpg
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Spidey I think the under cheek area is more blue than RLM 73 is

At first when I did my tests, I thought the same thing (granted these tests are now 4 years old)... but the RLM 73, for some reason, when layed next to the Dunkekgrun RLM 82 turned more blue... it was wierd... so I went back to it. I did addtional tests with sun light, and different lighting with and without flash from my camera.... (previous post pictures are with flash)

Here is an example of the PP2 V2 promo helmet in the Archieves (no flash) and the same helmet with during a promo event (with flash)... :thumbsup:


PP2 V2.jpg
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TF, after all the paintjob is done, the helmet was weathered over it, just as RotJ, that would explain the weathering over the white things.

I'm seeing colour within the white damage, not on top, if that makes any sense? That means it's a layer and not topical...:confused
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