Online source for gelcoat?


Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys,
I'm in need of a good online source for grey gelcoat that I can use for fiberglass pulls of my kid gauntlets.

If anyone has a good ordering source, please let me know.

Thanks bro. If I can't find anything in the states then I'll definitely use your source.

Thanks again,
Just placed an order from em this morning for some grey gelcoat.
Thanks for the heads up on the source Ripcode.:thumbsup:

Yeah the prices are high compared to a few other sites I know about. I've already received the gelcoat so I'm hoping that I bought the best stuff available for these kid sized gauntlets. Plus, I don't want anyone who buys a pair from me to expect anything less.:thumbsup:

I'm doing a run of Royal Guard helmets very soon, and I'm planning to do them with a red gel coat. I may have to go with them unless I find a cheaper supplier.
We checked. The Gel Coat from Jamestown Distributors is not made for use inside a mold. Their Gel Coat is meant for coating the outside surface of boat hulls, and is meant to air dry, leaving a coating of wax on the surface. So it appears to be unsuitable for use as a Gel Coat inside a mold as a base for laminating fiberglass cloth, etc. Has anyone tried the product that can tell me otherwise?
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