OH NO! The fg armor I have wasn't made for a fat boy!


Active Hunter
I made my flak vest and applied velcro to everything. It's was looking so good... then I put it on. The armor plates are too flat for my chest and belly. Does anyone know if fiberglass can be heated and bent? I heard somewhere that it can but I'm not sure if I want to try it. I just bought some sintra so I may just remake it and sell the other set. It would be great for someone not so round:lol: .

Would a heat gun be too hot? I have one of those. I don't actually have a hair dryer, I used the old one I inherited to build the vibro-ax.:D

Yes a heat gun will work...just don't concentrate it on one area for too long or you will risk over heating and warping or melting.

Just make sure to even heat up and down and sided to side, and dont just hold it on one spot or it will begin to warp intensely.
Yes a heat gun will work...just don't concentrate it on one area for too long or you will risk over heating and warping or melting.

Just make sure to even heat up and down and sided to side, and dont just hold it on one spot or it will begin to warp intensely.

Thanks! I may give it a try this afternoon.
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