Official Thread - Stubby (arena) Jet Pack

Well my brother is going to go with the stubby jet pack mainly because I'm doing the classic for my boba fett. I also think it looks cooler for jango.
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Well, as far as which do I like better overall, I love the big rocket. But for a Jango costume, to set apart from all the Bobas you almost have to go with the Stubmeister. I'm hoping my Jango partner will go we'll have me in my Boba and him in his Stubby Jango.

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I'm still in the planning mode of my costume (trying to get the funds together actually) but I'm planning to do a stubby, if it doesn't work out, I'll just switch (I've got a friend with a really great Boba costume and jet pack that I can remodel)
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As one of the Beta Testers for LisaFett's jet pack patterns, I am probably
going to try and modify her initial design and go with the stubby. It seems
that the base design for each is the same, so it should be just a matter of
throwing on some cones and thrusters under the tanks.

Easier said than done, I'm sure. :D

Next year is my Boba costume. I'm going to wait to do the classic then.
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The PERFECT stubby nosecone!

I found these at the local hobbyshop today...

I got a 3" and two 2-3'4" spinners and combined
with a 3" to 2" and two 2" pvc pipe joints they are
nearly perfect nosecones! The only work they need
is to fill in the holes for the propellers...very minor.

Hope this helps!
I used a plastic gobblet (wine glass) that I picked up form a Dollar Store for $1.00, cut the stem off an sanded worked perfect! :)

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That is a tiny one...1 & 1/2" dia.
I have one 3" dia and two 2 & 3/4" dia.
They look fabulous on the pvc connectors!
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DO you have a pic or diagram of what the pvc connectors look like? I cant find anything at home depot that looks like it will work. Thanks for any help.
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Sorry for not replying right away. Yes...the
reducer is what I was refering to. They are in
the pvc pipe/conduit isle in Home Depot.
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What did you do to modify the patterns into a Stubby? I'm sure Azeem's going to want to do Jango if I will make him a jet pack.
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Actually, not that many adjustments at all...

1) I cut the details of the side tank housings out directly from the pieces
made from the original patters. I looked at the "stubby" reference pics,
judged by eye, and marked the cut lines with permanent marker. Then
just cut them out with the wondercutter. I figured this would be easier
than trying to attach separate detail pieces.

2) Instead of the one notched 4" round green styrofoam piece on the top of the
center rocket, I added an additional one that was cut around the edges to fit
the 3" reducer snuggly around it...leaving about a half an inch at the bottom
to make it flush between the reducer and the base round piece. I anchored
it into the base using long metal barbeque skewers (did I spell that right??)
along with a few long wooden ones. I plan on gluing into the base of the
nosecone some more styrofoam that will be pushed onto these long ancor
skewers and glued.

3) the bottoms of the side tanks are 2" pvc pipe fitting end caps hot glued to the

4) I added a styrofoam vent cover at the bottom of the rocket made from cutting
a small disk from a 4" styrofoam ball and added some vent notches with the

That's about it!
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Thanks for the info, malc. I figured the alterations wouldn't be too difficult to go from classic to stubby, but I hadn't actually done it to make sure.

The plastic pieces will attach to the styrofoam securely; you can paper mache right over the plastic. The classic pattern has a jr. boquet holder at the top of it, and *that* is plastic. You just paper mache over most of the base, until it feels secure, and then use a small bit of bondo over that, and then sand until it's smooth.
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Also, just so you know what to expect, the stage that you see malc's jet pack in is really only about 3/4 done. When he primes it, he'll probably notice some spots that are not as smooth, or where you can see a corner of paper, and he'll want to use a little bondo to smooth it out. Then he'll prime again, inspect, hopefully find out it's ok, and be able to paint it. OR - sometimes people paint before they've put on enough layers of paper mache, and you can see the styrofoam pattern, and it looks rough. Malc's looks like he's got enough on there, though.
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Upon reviewing the Visual Dictionary, I have a few suggestions on making a Stubby out of my patterns. The first one is that it will work how malc did it, by cutting the side tank covers. However, an easier way would just be to add some sintra pieces onto the top of it. The second is that the nose cones probably need to be trimmed down a bit before being attached. They are a fantastic find, and look really excellent, but they are about 1/2 inch to an inch too long. To get that kind of "floating" look that they have, you could use a wooden dowel and acrylic tube combination for each of them. Also, malc, when you put on the side plug thingies, that normally are where the rod would go through for the classic pattern? That plug shoudl be in the soda can. You can't see it on the classic, so I cheated and put it through the body because it's a lot more stable when you have the nozzles attached to it. On the stubby, you can see them, and they're not supporting anything, so just cut a little hole in the soda can and put a small plug in it. That's it. :)

I've got version 2 of the tutorial done now, with a lot of Stubby mods added in. Geez, now I've got to make one of these just for the experience of it.
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Ill tell ya, it sure would be nice to have the "stubby" when transporting that thing around! SMALLER!
But for the COSTUME sake, I like the original. Since it is what Boba uses. It's a nice little touch I think.
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You can make the classic one more transportable by making the rocket removable and allowing the attitude jets to move so you can flip them up.
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