Official Jet Pack Stabilizer

Hey Russ,

I have a set of all of your aluminium parts and they are great, but the stablizer seems quite small to me. From the pictures that I had seen of it, I thought it was larger. I've seen other Fetts while trooping that had larger ones. Are you sure that the size is correct? Don't think I'm unhappy with it or anything like that. It just seems too small.

John Barrows, Jr.
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I found a very easy way to make my stablizer for my JP.

I used 1 stainless steel washer (OD 1 1/4"), 3/8" OD chrome toilet tubing, and 1 stainless steel knurled nut (3/8" OD).

The washer had to be drilled out to accept the toilet tubing. Then all that is left is to glue the parts together.

I ended up having about $7 invested in it, and apart from the chrome being a little too shiny - it is spot on for the original. The only reason the cost is that high, is that knurled nuts cost! One nut can run you about $3.50.
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Quick - someone send me a digital camera! :lol:

I don't have a way to take pix right now. I changed jobs back in Feb. and lost access to the one I used before. And I'm too far in debt buying Fett stuff to buy one now...
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Forced Trekker wrote:

Quick - someone send me a digital camera! :lol:

I got a loaner! Since I couldn't get really close with it, these picures came out a little blurry.

This is the piping I was talking about along with the knurled nut.

Simply cut the pipe to the length you want, put glue on the nut, insert the nut into the piping, allow to dry, and you get something like this.

I apologize for the crappy pix. Bad thing is I couldn't get pic of mine in my JP because I couldn't find it! I think my son may have picked it up :(
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Here’s a fun project. It’s hardware JP Stabilizer that’s mostly metal. This only took a couple of hours and the results were better than I thought they would be.

I used: 1 Exacto Knife Handle, 2 Metal Washers (ones Exacto will fit through), Super Glue, Hacksaw, Vice, Masking Tape, Epoxy Putty, Chrome Tape, Metal File, Model Putty, Sandpaper, Silver Paint.

First dissected the handle into its 3 main pieces. Then I put the Exacto handle into a vice and sawed the tip off. There was a nice grove already on the handle so that’s where I made the cut and it zipped right off with my hacksaw.

Next I cut the notched tip into the smaller part to resemble the real stabilizer tip.
Then I cut through the thread on the threaded pin piece.
When I finished cutting I filed all the pieces some to get them even.

I screwed the threaded pin back into the handle and put the notched tip part I cut out down around it.
Then I filled the tip with epoxy putty. Once it dried I filed and sanded it down smooth and painted the top with silver paint.

Next I took the 2 washers and superglued them together. The edges didn’t quite line up well so I filed them down a bit and then filled the edge with model putty. Then I sanded the edge down. I finished the edge with a piece of chrome tape.

Then I wrapped masking tape around the handle several times to create a base to lay my washers onto. I fixed the washers down to the tape and handle with super glue.

And that’s it…
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