Official Jango Helmet Materials needed list


Well-Known Hunter
Before anyone gets upset for this, here is my reason.
I am full aware of the search feature and it helps to some degree, until you cannot find exactly what yout looking for. For this case, I have searched and searched, and only I am able to find things bit by bit. Hopefully this thread can serve everyone already in need of information on the required materials for construction of a Jango Helmet. That being said, anyone who wants to add information is highly recommended, I.E., brand recommendations and product feedback. Here it goes so far, I am no expert at it, but based off of my personal research, heres what Ive got so far.


-Silver: Rub and Buff Silver leaf. Waxed based paint, which is cost efficiant, usually for about $3.99, similar to shoe polish.
-Ocean Blue: Krylon:ocean Blue. Currently do not have this product, but will eventually. Feed back on this paint needed.
-Royal Blue:Rust-Oleum:Royal Blue: Feed back needed.

For weathering, I dont know much about what paints are used. I dont plan on weathering mine, but I guess if I really wanted to, I'll go out back, an throw some dirt on it.

Construction materials: This really depends on what your bucket is made out of, but if theres one thing in common between them all, its that you need sand paper. Some recomend 600 grit or higher. The technique of sanding that turns out smoother, and cleaner, is wetsanding. So, since you cannot use regular sand paper effectivily with water, you will need to get a sandsponge as I beleive its called.

Next thing you will need is a primer. No brand right now is specified, but you will need a primer in a sray can, and labled "sandable primer."

Other then sand paper, you might need files, like what hair/nail soloons use. You would use these for any excess material on the small parts that are hard to reach, keyholes, and the smaller sections of the T-visor.

Adhesives are optional to using other fastening systems, such as screws/bolts, ect. It has been highly recommended to use a productcalled "Goop." Feedback on this item has been great, but right now, I have no experience with it yet.

Masking tape is another item required for painting. You might want to use the scott brand masking tape, genaric blue masking tape. Whichever other brands, choose one that leaves no residue after removing for clean look.

Protective materials:
One thing that is a must, is self protection. Especially when dealing with fiberglass. Some standard materials list is here.

-Leather gloves
-long sleeve shirt and pants
-face mask (surgical/paintting mask NOTE: USE MASK WHEN DEALING WITH SPRAY PAINTS AS WELL!)
-Goggles for the eyes
-other proper clean up supplies as needed to deal with fiberglass shavings, or any other harmful materials.

Other the that, this is all the information I have to share with everyone else. Please comment, or correct any errors, or add onto the supplies, or brand name recommendations. Thanks.

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As for the Rub n Buffing, I suggest using your naked finger, it will help to produce the friction needed to heat the wax to give it that nice Polish you see.
tubachris85x said:
So, since you cannot use regular sand paper effectivily with water, you will need to get a sandsponge as I beleive its called.

I believe you can get sandpaper that you can use both dry and wet. The sanding pad is probably easier to hold when wet, though.

tubachris85x said:
Other then sand paper, you might need files, like what hair/nail soloons use. You would use these for any excess material on the small parts that are hard to reach, keyholes, and the smaller sections of the T-visor.

Emery boards are the nail files. Get em' cheap at Wally World.

Also if you have a Harbor Freight Tools near, you can get a 10 pack of various shaped needle files for like 5 bucks. These are the same miniature metal files that you see at the Hobby stores for like 5 bucks a piece!!!

These are invaluable when it comes to getting into small places and making perfect right or other angles!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
*Stands and applauds* I think there should be more official stickies. The search should be used for finding things, sure. However why there isn't stickies I dunno know, because I am sure we have a lot of facts among us.
tubachris85x said:
Yes sir, it should arrive in a few weeks, not sure about the ETA of it.


Bravo man! So how did you do it? Force Choak, Blaster, Bat, promisses to clean your room?

If you need help finding the paints needed, I would search for my posts. I have a couple "where in the heck do I get....." posts out there. Lets not put these good people through what I put them through again. ;)
tk-938 said:
Bravo man! So how did you do it? Force Choak, Blaster, Bat, promisses to clean your room?

If you need help finding the paints needed, I would search for my posts. I have a couple "where in the heck do I get....." posts out there. Lets not put these good people through what I put them through again. ;)

I pulled an "Obi wan Kenobi on the Mos Eisly sandtrooper" trick, simply by waving my hand, at first my dad said yes, and then my mom said "you idiot and your stupid star wars tricks." I dunno why it worked flawlessly on my but seriously, they just wanted all information about it first, and they changed their minds..

Now I didnt cover the visor area on the list. I may add that later when I get back homel. I was wondering though, has anyone ever thought about putting in a thermal visor before? I was wanting to do that for mine, but I dont know where to get a large enough lens. Thanks

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