New to the whole thing


New Hunter
Hey guys,

I'm new here, and I must admit that I'm new to pretty much everything involving the forum (except Boba Fett).
My problem is that I have never even came close to doing a prop - I've never even worked with cardboard to attempt any bulding project.

I was wondering if anyone here could help me out, indicating something to study or tryout. I don't know, like a book or a site with some info on prop making or a few basics on these projects. I have been lurking on the forum for days and I have noticed that everyone here is many steps ahead on this, so I understood that I should train a lot before attempting any of the templates that are available here (since I couldn't even understand Bobba's helmet template).

My goal was to try and make a Boba Fett helmet on my own. Thought it would be a good feeling to have one made by myself.

P.S.: If there was a post of this subject, asking for help on the very first steps, I am really sorry to opening another one up. If anyone happens to know the thread, would you be so kind to link it here?

Thank you all.
Many people start right where you are. If you're interested in prop making, my best advice is to read as many WIP (Work In Progress) threads as you can. See how other people are making these props. Ask questions. Look at the materials they are using, the mistakes they are making, and the successes they are having.

If you're wanting to build the helmet on your own, you will want to filter your search to 'scratch built' threads where people build their own props from the ground up. Many scratch built helmets come from pepekura (computer file that is printed on paper or card stock, folded and shaped, then made solid with fibreglass and other materials).

This is the best resource for creating anything Boba Fett on the internet, so you came to the right place. Do your research, and when you're ready to start, create a thread and ask for feedback.

Thank you very much for the tips. I will try to follow them and see if I can make some progress.

Also, I plan to start this whole building project with a cardboard helmet project, lol.
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