new pouch update!


Well-Known Hunter
Here it goes again. After measuring things here and there, I came up with this. The pouches are 2 iches wide, 3 1/2 tall, and 1 inch deep. the side of the pouch is 3 inches tall. giving the 1/2 inch for the flap making it 3 1/2 tall.

I also cut 2 braids. making the girt belt a bit smaller in height.

Also made a new belt to hold the pouches. what you guys think?


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i think i want your old one!!!

nice work man!! you better be careful, LFL is gonna want to borrow yours for AOSW or MoM tours. It's practically the real deal.

IF I can be honest /ducks

hehe the belt pouchs looks really good, all three of them, the second one is more size accurate, but the dye job on the first one is more like the third.

I wouldnt notice normaly, and I think it looks super fantastic, but your shooting for perfect so there ya go :)

cal196 wrote:

IF I can be honest /ducks

hehe the belt pouchs looks really good, all three of them, the second one is more size accurate, but the dye job on the first one is more like the third.

I wouldnt notice normaly, and I think it looks super fantastic, but your shooting for perfect so there ya go :)

Thanks everyone. Call196, one of the best things in life is honesty. I really appreciate it. It does look like the old ones in color, but it must be the orange moon outside that's throwing colors off. :D

And Obi - my old belt is sold. But....If anyone wants a belt and pouches, i would consider making a few here and there.
...dunno you could be a millimeter or 2 off...could just be the pic then too...j/k!!!...

...dang I wish I could do leather work 1/100th as good as you...I have to keep shelling out the $$$ to get things done.....sigh....

...great job bro...

Take care
Lewis = )

Thanks everyone. Call196, one of the best things in life is honesty. I really appreciate it. It does look like the old ones in color, but it must be the orange moon outside that's throwing colors off. :D

And Obi - my old belt is sold. But....If anyone wants a belt and pouches, i would consider making a few here and there.


That could be it, it is an awfully bright picture. not saying it doesnt look awesome. Seeing your dedication is what brought me back into updating my Fett, without your efforts I wouldnt be here.
i measured my pouches and they line up with your specs turo except the length. they are about a 1/2 in too short. how much for just the pouches?


trooperkev wrote:

when will the mods end?!?!?! :) next you will be in for plastic surgery to look like Temura!!!

j/k :)

once again man it looks awesome.


have you seen this guy kev ? ITs sick, he IS the ultimate jango because he also looks like him ! How can anyone really compare to that ! lol -

trooperkev wrote:

when will the mods end?!?!?! :) next you will be in for plastic surgery to look like Temura!!!

More like Temura will be in for plastic surgery to look more like Seeker.

Looks good man.
"anyone want a seeker accurate vest ? "

Should we start calling this forum the SEEKER forum ?!


The irony of it all is, if it were any other person (me included) this type of attention would have gotten into their heads....good ol T-Boz is as humble as they come.
....looking good!!!.... you have elfs working for you or something??? min its an idea and the next its reality...

Take care
Lewis :D
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