New Helmet Sculpt - *UPDATE* 6 Jan


Active Hunter
BM Bucket - *LATEST PIC*

It's been a long time coming but my helmet sculpt is finally looking like a helmet. I could not have done this without TK409's Mystery Helmet measurements, Brak's photo library and the superb MLC "build a bucket from card tutorial" many thanks guys.

It is the same measurements as the Mystery (give or take a little!) with a few exceptions, I have made the vertical T-Visor slot 48mm wide all the way down, (not rarrowing towards the bottom) I have checked all my reference shots and it seems this way on all of them.

Hopefully the patches filler don't detract from the overall impression and shape of the helmet. I've decided to sculpt in the slight wave on the brow of the T-Visor area as seen on the movie used ESB bucket. On the front shot I have blacked out the T-Visor area so you can see this wave more clearly. I have also made sure that from the side view the front and back are vertically parallel, I'm convinced that the screen helmets are this way.

Please feel free to comment (good or bad) as all opinions will help in the final outcome.

I still need to put the keyslots in and the mole on the cheek... oh and loads more filling and sanding!!




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That looks damn good to me :) .. Fantastic work

are you going for a thin or the thicker Range Finder ear cap ?
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Definitely the thinner version, I will get it as close as I can to the screen used version.
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I would love to see some of the early progress pictures of the helmet!
It is really cool to see the beginning to end shots.
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E2K13 wrote:

I would love to see some of the early progress pictures of the helmet!
It is really cool to see the beginning to end shots.

Me too! Since these are the first photos you've posted of it, I'd love to see some early shots to see how you progressed from the cardboard state to this.
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E2K13 wrote:

I would love to see some of the early progress pictures of the helmet!
It is really cool to see the beginning to end shots.

These are the first pictures I have taken of this project, I don't usually take photos of work in progress because lots of people can't see the potential of a dodgy looking cardboard and sintra shape (and I wasn't too convinced in the beginning that this was going to work). I published these pics because I've had a lot of people asking when it will be finished and I think it's now at a stage where it looks convincing enough not to put people off.

I started this project shortly after I joined TDH, if I knew then what I know now I would have documented it more. I realise now that this site is all about the excitement of the build and not just the end result. I could show you a shot of the inside, it's a bit messy but it gives you an idea of how I built it.

I decided to use 1mm thick sintra instead of card which I found a lot easier to get the curves, it doesn't crease like card. I strengthened this on the inside with epoxy filler.
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Yeah, now that we see that it does seem to have potential, I would be intersting in seeing the inside.
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In the words of the "Continental".......Wowwy Wow Wow!
Makes me wanna throw mine in the trash and start over.
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