New darth vader costume white!

Darth Marco

New Hunter
Holla SWcostumebuilders, I need some help,:confused
I 'm planning to make my own darth vader costume, but I want to make it defferent than the usual one. I want to make a white version..
My experience is zero, but I have a great SW costume builder nearby. Money isn't a problem, but it has a limit.
Questions: 1 how to make or get a mold for helmet, shoulder armour, shin pads e.d.
2 If a mold is to expensive or hard to get where can I purchase the darth vader items.
3.How to paint or airbrush the whole costume. (I have some experience it that part)
Thanks for the info
That the dark Force be with you! ARGH!!
It depends on which Vader Helmet you want, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, or Revenge of the Sith.

I will be offering the ANH (A New Hope) "Mystery" Vader Helmet after I do some restoration on the helmet I have, it's a rare "ANH" casting that will be available in a couple of months...

Here is a link to the comparison thread on the RPF:

Here is the For Sale Thread:

Darth 'Marco' Carnokhan said:
Holla SWcostumebuilders, I need some help,:confused
I 'm planning to make my own darth vader costume, but I want to make it defferent than the usual one. I want to make a white version..
My experience is zero, but I have a great SW costume builder nearby. Money isn't a problem, but it has a limit.
Questions: 1 how to make or get a mold for helmet, shoulder armour, shin pads e.d.
2 If a mold is to expensive or hard to get where can I purchase the darth vader items.
3.How to paint or airbrush the whole costume. (I have some experience it that part)
Thanks for the info
That the dark Force be with you! ARGH!!
Heres a nice reference pic i found a few weeks back. Supposably it was based on a what if comic if Vader was redeemed but did not die so he would still require the suit, but he would be a Jedi this time around.

That's the costume of darth Vader. :thumbsup: I already got a load of e-mails. Hopefully I also find a tailor who makes the leather parts for me for a good price.
My last question :confused is can you repaint the already painted parts from a black Darth Vader. I thougth that you first have to remove the old paint. Next will be a basecoat and then the finishing colour; white.
Thanks for the info.
Thats awesome, you could even give him Obi-wan's lightsaber. If He was redeemed and didnt die and became a Jedi Knight he would certainly use either Qui-gon's or Obi-Wan's right? HIs old one fell from cloud city you'd never find that one.
White Vader just does not look right. The comic one was okay, but to me the white costume looks like its in primer awaiting the shot coat of gloss black:lol:
HA! He looks like a damn cookie. I like the all white look though. Something different is always a good thing. I would like to see him next to a black vader. Can you photo choppers arrange that please?
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