*NEW* Aluminum Boba RF Posts

I'd like to add that this method is also screen accurate. You can see the holes covered with a tinted epoxy on some closeup pics. I'll see if I can find one to post.
Pheww, what a relief:

Turned out much better than my last one, didn't slip up once and the drill bit never peeked through the outside. Just takes a table-top vice, long drill bit, patience, and lots of water to hydrate yourself after sweating from fear of ruining your brand new stalk :p
I made a extra long servo arm to which the stalk will attach with a set screw. I tested it on my old one and it worked great, so I'll take some photos one I do it to this one. Nothing fancy but it's removable so when I travel I can easily pop the stalk off.

I'll have a hole in the side of the stalk for the wires to pass through:
and the earpiece will have a curved slot for the wires to feely pass down, much like FP did on his earpiece:

I was going to use attach one wire to the stalk and another wire to a small screw to the spot where it hits in the down position to turn the lights on, but I'll probably just use a tiny momentary button instead.
bigkidbiggertoys said:
The method I like to use is epoxy the RF post & top together. I then drill a couple of tiny holes & add a couple of machine screws. The aluminum is soft enough that it is easy to drill & you don't need to tap the hole, the screw will make it's own threads if you just work it back out a bit.

Anyone got photo's of them doing this? Just curious... I am assuming that the screws are added from the top down thru the RF into the post? (Stupid question I know). What size drill / machine screws are you using?
I have a fresh batch of posts in hand. I was going to phase out the Jango style since the demand is mostly for Boba, but I decided to suck it up & will continue to offer both styles.
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