Ner beskar'gam

Ram ser

New Hunter
ok this is my custom and i was hoping i could get some improvement suggestions


it's the only pic i have right now and i'm working on a new gun at the moment
I'd say gauntlets and knee's are the only things missing the rest looks cool. Perhaps some trophies.
yea, i figure i'll do those as time goes by cause im doin' a mando thats my age who went through the rite of passage building his own armor so it'll be a work in progress
If thats your first suit, that's not to bad guy.

I'd think about maybe putting the straps inside my flight suit instead of the outside. Other then what you've already said you were doing...thats really all I can see that you may want to change if you feel the need.
Hiding the straps, or at least dying them to match your jumpsuit would be a good place to start. Gauntlets, like everyone else said...but you don't have to do the typical Boba/Jango style...I could actually see your mando with a set of gauntlets that are smaller and more streamlined.

What's the armor made out of? It looks real good. That's some awesome work for your first suit.
If he keeps the straps on the outside then leather would work, if he puts them inside then they are gonna rub you raw when they get sweaty.
I dont think the straps need to be on the inside at all, because then if you need a quick adjustment (Like I saw you do a few times at CIV) it would be a tad more difficult.

His armor is aluminum, hard core tough stuff, they hammered it out themselves (The DSG, Dune Sea Garrison).
I would re-glue the visor to the helmet, because you are squinting and the teeth and mandibles are farther apart.

I like it dude, keep it up, I gotta troop with all you mandos when mine is done...say SDCC??
Hiding the straps, or at least dying them to match your jumpsuit would be a good place to start. Gauntlets, like everyone else said...but you don't have to do the typical Boba/Jango style...I could actually see your mando with a set of gauntlets that are smaller and more streamlined.

What's the armor made out of? It looks real good. That's some awesome work for your first suit.
how good would Predator-like blades look maybe on the gaunlets? anyone?
Hiding the straps, or at least dying them to match your jumpsuit would be a good place to start. Gauntlets, like everyone else said...but you don't have to do the typical Boba/Jango style...I could actually see your mando with a set of gauntlets that are smaller and more streamlined.

What's the armor made out of? It looks real good. That's some awesome work for your first suit.
He doesn't need to hide the straps, it works well with his scheme.

yeah, im not going too much $
If you come up to Vegas with Scott sometime, we can all hang out and help out on your costume.
armor has a pretty nice color scheme, imo...only thing i would say to fix is to narrow the vertical part of the visor...other than that...lookin great, man!
Reid, since I've seen the costume in person, I will say you did a mighty impressive job with it.:thumbsup: In regards to the leg straps, I will say you'd be just fine with them going on the outside of the jumpsuit. The only reason I'd say it should go on the inside would be if it's a "canon" costume and the straps were on the inside.

The only suggestion I've got for ya I think has already been mentioned, and that's the paralleling of the mandibles on the helmet. They start to widen out further towards the bottom. That's the only thing I'd suggest fixing. I can show ya exactly what I mean next time we meet up.;)

If you come up to Vegas with Scott sometime, we can all hang out and help out on your costume.

Oh great Andy! Now you're gettin' him hooked on heading up that way as well!:lol: Next time I for sure can make a trip up there, I'll let Reid know.
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