Mystery lid progress


Active Hunter
hello my fellow bretheren, it has been awhile...this summer has given me tons of time to get some work done on my has been very fullfilling, frustrating, exasperating, and totally awesome up to this point...i am pleased at the output so far, being my first quality lid...i know that some of the intervals or positioning are off, so be gentle...:lol: please let me know what you think, and thanks for all you guys do!!! great to be back, by the way...;)

oh yeah, can anyone tell me how to tone down the shinyness? some of it is the camera i am using, so that really makes it look shiny...but i would like to tone it down some....thanks







Looking really good for your first lid D.... :thumbsup:

You can use fine grade steel wool to both tone down the colours and 'blend' some of the layers together...
Once yoru happy with it a small acrylic wash will also tone down some of the bright colours too... then seal it all off with 'matt' finish clear coat.
thanks guys for the input!! i will try to find some of that steel wool and give that a far as the matte finish, that is just clear spray paint that takes the shiny out, right?
Looking fab my good friend, I had a similar problem with sheen on my armour.
Matt clear varnish worked a treat!!! I got a spray can version at my local art shop that made the coverage nice and even.
testors is what i used on all the colors, so i will try to find that dullcoat today...thanks for the feedback guys!! love this place...:)
you need to start painting, Pete, and once you do, you will fall in love with your lid and never want to trade it...;) you will be fine, and if you need help with anything, i have been there...well, havent done the dent yet, but ya know...:thumbsup:
after the first attempt with that other lid, it really boosts a guys confidence to be encouraged this way...thanks for all the support and kind words on my lid, fellas!! 'tis TDH that i owe my success too!! :thumbsup:
Updated pics on Mystery Lid

here are some more pics taken outside with better lighting...this shows the colors better i think...:thumbsup:





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