Mystery Helmet Kit- ANNOUNCEMENT last post.

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Thats why i love Ebay! Sell, sell, sell, buy, buy, buy. I have so much stuff sitting around i'll never be able to get rid of it all. In fact i bought a special edition Star Wars pinball machine by selling stuff. I can't wait to get the helmet. I just finished painting my other one and will sell it when i finish the one i get from sarge. I also almost finished my manikin by using DCB's tutorial. I just have to make the hands. I would post pics on here but they are too big for the link to put on here and i don't know how to compress them or make them smaller.
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I have a pvc mannequin as well, but I changed some angles of the pipes in DCB's tutorial, so now he's leaning forward a bit, more in a "low ready" stance.
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Hey guys, I just want to announce that I'll be out of the loop for a couple days- my modem got blasted in a storm about an hour after I made the last post.

I'm here at the shop now, so I'm trying to get e-mails and stuff squared away and get a couple addresses from my paypal account.

With luck, everything will be going out Monday.

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I sent a couple of PM's too Sarge. Let me know if you recieved them or not. Thanks.
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Ok, got my new modem installed, I think I'm caught up on all my communications, and will be starting a few more helmets tomorrow. I have visors here for two kits right now, and will be ordering more as soon as one kit sells.


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