Mystery helmet help.


Active Hunter
I have a couple of idiot questions. Hopefully some awesome people will take pity and help me out. :D

What would be the best tool to use to cut out the T-visor? Preferably something I might have or something cheap.

Should I do this before or after I paint?

I'm thinking of painting the inside black (a nice, non-toxic water-based acrylic). Pro or cons?

Can anyone suggest ways to improve the key slots on the back?

Is it just me, or is the dent a little small? Can it be made bigger, or should I leave well enough alone?

Can anyone post a picture of what a mystery helmet looks like with a RA FS?

When I finally get to this stage, what would be the best adhesive for the ear pieces?

Non Q? are idiot or stupid :) some knows more other minus, im, i think, on the meedle :)

Q: What would be the best tool to use to cut out the T-visor? Preferably something I might have or something cheap.
A: scisors if you have one of this image origianl post from Bobo's thread ;)

Q: Should I do this before or after I paint?
A: put the visor on the last moment, but you can cut and put to see the progress...;)

Q: I'm thinking of painting the inside black (a nice, non-toxic water-based acrylic). Pro or cons?
A: i thinks is no pro or cons, i thoug the same about my FG95 but for what, maybe help to hide more your face on a daylight but it's your call :)

Q: Can anyone suggest ways to improve the key slots on the back?
A: with a dremmel tool

Q: Is it just me, or is the dent a little small? Can it be made bigger, or should I leave well enough alone?
A: :D dont know i dont have MH :(

Q: Can anyone post a picture of what a mystery helmet looks like with a RA FS?
A: sorry :o like i said no MH for me :D

Q: When I finally get to this stage, what would be the best adhesive for the ear pieces?
A: sorry :o dont know
I would cut the visor before painting and leave the dent alone because you might damage the helmet. You will need an exacto knife to cut the visor area just like BOBO did in his helmet, it should cut easyly since its not fiberglas. You can cut the face shield provided with the helmet with scissors. I think there is a picture of a MHK somewhere with the RF instaled. Here is the link:

It´s the Jango MHK, hope it helps.
Please post pictures of your progres. :)
Ditto the dremel too. It will help you cut out the visor area and sand it down evenly. It's a must for any Fett costume. As far as the inside of the helmet goes, I always line the inside using adhesive backed felt which I get at Wal-mart. I cut out the "Keyholes" with the dremel as well and sanded them smooth with sand paper. Oh yeah, I attached the ear pieces with a thin coat of hot glue and screws from the inside.
I should have specified that by T-visor I meant the area on the helmet itself, not the lens. It's solid resin which seems like it'd be pretty tough to cut through:


A dremel tool, eh?


I was afraid you'd say that.

Those things ain't cheap. But you're right. I should get one. It's funny how I can justify spending outrageous amounts on cool props but I'm too cheap to get the tools to do the job right. :lol:

This is a sweet helmet and I want to do it justice, so a dremel tool it is.

Say, has anyone else noticed how expensive a Boba Fett costume is? :lol:


jeezycreezy wrote:

Q. What would be the best tool to use to cut out the T-visor? Preferably something I might have or something cheap.

A. Probably a Dremel fiberglass cut-off wheel.

Q. Should I do this before or after I paint?

A. Wait until right before you're ready to paint, or even after- you can always touch up the edges just before you mount the visor.

Q. I'm thinking of painting the inside black (a nice, non-toxic water-based acrylic). Pro or cons?

A. I just sprayed the inside of my two with black enamel, but if you're going to be wearing it a lot, you'll probably want to use something less stinky ;)

Q. Can anyone suggest ways to improve the key slots on the back?

A. Very small diameter dremel bit, define the corners with a jewler's file.

Q. Is it just me, or is the dent a little small? Can it be made bigger, or should I leave well enough alone?

A. Mmmm... the dent's 'should' be identical to the originals. ;)

Q. Can anyone post a picture of what a mystery helmet looks like with a RA FS?

A. I'm pretty sure Lynn has one on his Jango- I just cut mine out of styrene. With an RA stalk though, you'll need to dremel out a socket in the RF 'topper' so that it fits right. with only about 1/4" of the shank showing.

Q. When I finally get to this stage, what would be the best adhesive for the ear pieces?

A. On my two, I just stuck them on with 5 min. epoxy, but my helmets aren't handled much. For something more durable you could drill from the inside (carefully!) and anchor them with short, self tapping screws.

Hope this helps, Let me know if you need more! :)

I used a hacksaw blade to cut mine out. It was a little tough but it worked. Cleaned it up with a razor blade. Of course I got a Dremel about 2 weeks later. :D
Thanks to all who helped here. It's very much appeciated! :)

The dent is probably the same size are the original, but it seems just a little small to my eye -- that may well be the result of my having worked previously on a DP recast whiich, to me, had too big of a dent. A little extra silver paint in that area should do the trick!

Otherwise this helmet rocks! It's solid, well made, nice and roomy -- my compliments go out to the maker, helpful guy that he is. ;)

Blastech: That's a Incredible job!
I was wondering if i was gonna do mine a ROTJ or One of the Pre-pro..Now it looks like it's gonna be a ROTJ:)

Very nice paint job on the MHK blastech. Cant wait to start working on mine. :) By the way, is that RF the same size used in the aluminum RF for a regular DP or is it a bit larger??
Thanks for the compliments. The MHK RF is larger than the DP's. It's solid resin, and comes in the ESB style, with the box on the underside. I dremmeled that off to keep true to ROTJ. I then hollowed out the place for the aluminum stalk to fit in.

Note: the mandible red on mine isn't nearly as bright in person.
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