MY shin tools so far


Well-Known Hunter
I spent the day working on these
made from a real Paterson Squeegee, a couple of X-acto knives, a spatula (wife's not pleased), some paint & tape
Still needs to be weathered,
What do you guys think?

shin tools 007.JPG

shin tools 008.JPG

shin tools 009.JPG



antisecurity blade.JPG
i was at a wedding in proper highland garb, and when the cake cutting came around, no knife was to be found. i stepped up to the couple, pulled the sgian dubh from my sock, and the ceremony progressed.

why am i telling this story? because i got a vision of boba fett in the audience of a cooking show. they are making a cake, and have no spatula. boba fett walks up, hand them the spatula-tool, and walks away, never saying a word.

perhaps this will be less entertaining to me when i've gotten some sleep ;)
I just found out I made the ESB anti-security blade.
Not the ROTJ one that I need:(
The ROTJ has a Red stripe (no biggie) & a longer blade (biggie)
*thanx to lonepigeon for the ref pic*

slave1pilot said:
I just found out I made the ESB anti-security blade.
Not the ROTJ one that I need:(
The ROTJ has a Red stripe (no biggie) & a longer blade (biggie)
*thanx to lonepigeon for the ref pic*

There's more than one version of this?!?! :confused
pennywise said:
That part is in the pocket anyway, so who will ever know but you?

at the risk of sounding cliche, I would know.:lol:

besides, the longer spatula blade makes the tool stick out of the pocket more.
I'll have to install them & see how it looks.
slave1pilot said:
at the risk of sounding cliche, I would know.:lol:

besides, the longer spatula blade makes the tool stick out of the pocket more.
I'll have to install them & see how it looks.
I know, I know. I'm the same way;)

awesome job. just wondering where you got your paterson. I know places online that sell them, but i'm just wondering if you lucked out and found something local or got a deal on it somewhere. if you could PM that'd be cool.

again, nice work and glad to see the "scratch build" photos.

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