My second ESB Helmet w/ RS Colors


Well-Known Hunter
This is my second helmet that I have painted. The first one was painted with MB's choice of paints and it worked for awhile, but once I decided to make it as accurate to ESB as much as possible, I sold the helmet and bought this fiberglass one that I have airbrushed with RS colors. I am not done painting it yet, I still have to touch up the scratches and do the window cleaner wash. All the large scratches I have I used the tape technique. I drew the scratch on the painters masking tape and then cut it out. it took forever, but it worked. I just have to go over the lines to get rid of the straight-look it sometimes created. I am trying to keep the scratch details closer to the ESB movie photos, as the ESB helmet from MOTM seems to have developed additional scratches since the movie.




My first attempt using an airbrush too. I will post more as the helmet progresses. I am open to any tips for making it more movie accurate.
Is that RLM 62 on the ears? it looks different. Hit that puppy with a scotchbrite pad later on it will lighten it all up and blend the helmet but be careful not to scratch off the paint with it.

Looks great


Rogue Studios wrote:

Is that RLM 62 on the ears? it looks different. Hit that puppy with a scotchbrite pad later on it will lighten it all up and blend the helmet but be careful not to scratch off the paint with it.
Looks great

Actually it is RLM Green (25). I don't think the website where i ordered them from gave me the option of the different sub-numbers of the RLM Green. I think it was just labeled "RLM Green". But I did think myself that it did not look quite right when i painted it. seems too bright.

I scotchbrited it and it looks abit better, some more work at it and i think i can make it work.
thanks for the input.
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