My scratch built ESB jet pack

My scratch built ESB jetpack

Just wanted to know what you guys thought...
I made this thing from pvc pipe, sintra, a gopher poison cone, child's toys, and many other odds and ends. It took three days.
jet packfull.jpg

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cool!!!!! son I will start mine, in a "all pvc" way..........
yes, put some pics of the work in progress as a tutorial
great work!
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I love seeing these, people scratchbuild these for $30 of materials or buy fiberglass ones for $200+

Most of them all end up looking great

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dude the pack looks great.......its actually amazing. but I keep hearing about this gopher poison that looks like the rocket and Icant seem to find that poison can youi help me out?
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Go to Wal-mart and look in the lawn and garden stuff. It is a yellow cone with a white screwcap on one end. Look in the poisons. There should be some on the shelf as soon as spring starts to spring.
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That black ops trooper is pretty sharp! I see two different lids though...I know one is a modded Rubies but the other is what? Modified BARC trooper? Great work on the JP as well!

-rocky b
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That black ops trooper is pretty sharp! I see two different lids though...I know one is a modded Rubies but the other is what? Modified BARC trooper?

The Black Ops in one of the pics is a modified Rubies (which I'm willing to sell to anyone who wants it). The other is my own creation based on a picture on page 30 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Rebellion Era Sourcebook. I took a baseball helmet, cut the visor off, then carefully bondoed a sintra built face mask onto the helmet. I made the whole thing myself. It even has an LED in the bottom right corner of the visor (which is red plexi) for effect. It's a big hit back here in Oklahoma with JediOKC. Everybody likes the black ops. Here's a closeup pic of the helmet.



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hey, BFDaddy, very good work here....I like both...!!!
tellme please how you made the gauntlets, they look amazing!!!! I have see the templates that you have used, but the pic is blurry, and don´t undestand how to do it..............
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Boba was my first costume, and progress pics are non-existant. I basically used the templates and just pieced it together bit by bit using a phenomenal substance you get at Wal-Mart called "Welder". It comes in a silver tube and you can find it over in the paint section. I then used the Smithsonian reference photos and slowed down the shots of Boba in ESB to get a good look at the gauntlets. A lot of it was less measuring and more "eyeballing" as we say in Oklahoma. I just made them look as close as I could. I then bondoed all the cracks and sanded, primered and painted them.
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I give many a great kudos!:D:D:D I was thinking about constructing mine out of styrofoam, but this seems to work just as good! Now, I'll have to go to Lowe's this week...
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