My repainted Ruffkin gauntlets.


Active Hunter
Hey all. I finished these a few weeks ago, but was waiting to try and post some before pics of them, which I forgot to save, or take after I bought them. I've had no luck tracking any down. So here they are. I bought them in the cargo hold so if you saw them there you know what they looked like. They were pretty much ready to go out of the box, but the paint was too different from what I used on everything else. So I basically stripped them, added some lights and other little details, and repainted everything. The darts were missing, and I'm on a budget at the moment, so I had to fabricate them from scratch. What's the verdict?






I just remembered something does anyone know where I could possably get a dental expadner and how much it would be. Preferrably resin. I contacted someone on ebay but never heard anything back. I would try and build one but I cant find any clear, close up images.


I just remembered something does anyone know where I could possably get a dental expadner and how much it would be. Preferrably resin. I contacted someone on ebay but never heard anything back. I would try and build one but I cant find any clear, close up images.



PM sent
Outstanding job! Although you're on a budget, I highly recommend getting a metal flamethrower from PSberretta. Resin ESB flamethrowers tend to get caught on pieces and break.

Again, congrats on a job well done.

Outstanding job! Although you're on a budget, I highly recommend getting a metal flamethrower from PSberretta. Resin ESB flamethrowers tend to get caught on pieces and break.

Again, congrats on a job well done.


Thanks. Fortunately it was molded with wire inside. Hopefully this will help and hold up for the time being.

You scratch built the darts? They look great! Tutorial? ;)

Again Thanks. I'll work on a tutorial. They really cheap and relatively easy to make.

Thanks. I got ya Drokkul. PM and PP sent.

I never thought to ask ruffkin about expanders. Duh! Sometimes I just have unbelievably huge brain farts. Oh well.
Wait hold the phone. I thougth the hinges went on the out side? :confused

I think I am going to be sick if they go on the inside.
As far as I know the hinges go on the "inside". I then fiberglassed over them and the inside of the gauntlets. Used extra cloth and resin around the flamethrower and missle attachments since I went with machined parts.
Maybe I am missing something here, but the light and switch on the left gauntlet I dont believe are on the ESB Fett's. Also on the right gauntlet it looks like you are missing a switch and a data port greeblie, and the light configuration is red(rear) white(front)-that actually glows red. The weathering looks great, but just thought I'd throw out a couple of comments regarding accuracy. You can get the white bulb(glows red) at Radio Shack. Please check the strings regarding the bulbs/greeblies/lights on TDH to help you
Maybe I am missing something here, but the light and switch on the left gauntlet I dont believe are on the ESB Fett's. Also on the right gauntlet it looks like you are missing a switch and a data port greeblie, and the light configuration is red(rear) white(front)-that actually glows red. The weathering looks great, but just thought I'd throw out a couple of comments regarding accuracy. You can get the white bulb(glows red) at Radio Shack. Please check the strings regarding the bulbs/greeblies/lights on TDH to help you

As for the hinges see the post from 06-16-2007 02:24 AM. They are stuck on so good I cant get them off without destroying the sides of the gauntlets. Not sure about the light and switch on the left. I've seen a lot that do and a lot that don't have them. I think it looks cooler with it so thats why I added it.
Which switch and data port am I missing? I thought I got them all. I actually need a switch for something else. As far as the lights on the right a standard LED (5mm I believe) is too large for the holes in the box so I used mini LED's (I think they're 3mm). I've not seen those in a clear bulb with a red glow, and also again I think the red and green combo looks kind of cool. I'm not really concerned absolute screen accuracy.
No problem they are great looking. Look for an old string by Saxcoburn(?) and their was a long discussion on this. I believe the string pretty well nailed the location and source for these greeblies and even has pictures of same. I used a RS P/n#276-036 for the light(clear/red) and it is a 5MM size. It fit on my ruffkins with no problem. AS long as your GML doesn't have problems with the changes you made it should be good-to-go. They are an awesome looking set of gauntlets, and I am glad to see you weathered them well, because Bounty Hunting is a dirty business.
Thanks. I'm gonna look for the thread now. If there is a problem I don't think it should be an easy fix... a little styrene, some super glue, and paint.

WOW. There is another switch there. I never seen that pic before. Cool thing is I think I have a switch like that already If not, I'll make it. Should be easy to add.
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Very nice work I love your weathering and the LED's it adds a lot to the gauntlets it inspired me to dirty up my gauntlets a little more today ^_^

This forum is incredible, someone is always discovering something new with Fett, and it is a constant process of updating and plusing. The switch, data port I believe Sax discovered was a USB style port(under darts) , and a flashlight (with bulb logo) on the inboard area of the gauntlet type switch. BTW love your tutorial on gaunt darts, since the metal ones have become increasingly harder to obtain. Great work
Well I didn't have a switch like it so I made one that looked like what I thought was the type in the picture I saw. Unfortunately it was before I got the last post here. I know it's probably very inaccurate but I'm happy with it for now. As far as the data port I'm not sure if I'll add it yet. I think I'll wait and see what happens. Thr red in the pic is brighter than it actually is it's more of a dark red.

Right gaunt added button.jpg
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