My Prop Palace Jumpsuit Update - PICS ADDED!!! 10/05 DYED!

If they forgot features that is there fault as is the color with mine. If they don't do right with me I will let EVERYONE know.
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Oh man! What a heartbreaker. Clearly this is not light gray. PP should have no problem exchanging it. I oredered their standard "ROTJ gray" jumpsuit and it's a polyester blend. I tried to bleach my jumpsuit to get it a lighter gray and the color is freaking bulletproof. I soaked it in bleach for an hour with no change. I don't think color-remover will do anything. The woman at the fabric store said it won't work on polyester - but then I don't know what yours is made of.

You might send a swatch of color for them to match when you return the jumpsuit..
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This was thier reply to my email:

"Sorry my computer has been at the shop for a day or so.

I have to rely on the tailors to try and match with the photo's you sent.

Anyway thee only thing I can do is if you can find some material that
matches what you are looking for send me a sample we can try and match the
color exactly."

To me, this is not acceptable. I agreed to order based on the fact that they said that they could match the fabric, which is what they did not do. I emailed back asking for the type of fabric and that I want a written guarantee that it is what they say. I don't want to attempt to dye it, ruin it, and be out all around.
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Dude -

What EXACTLY did they say in response?
Do you have to pay for another suit and the fabric you want? Will they give you a credit for the current off-colored suit?

Theres not really a whole lot you cn do to enforce your rights in this situation - given that the seller is in the Phillipines.

I hope this works out man - I feel your pain!

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Well, I emaled them again for a definite answer on the type of fabric, and I AM going to do the color remover on the spats tonight. Why he didn't just tell me that they couldn't find the color I requested and offer me alternatives is beyond me.

If I am not satisfied, I will make sure EVERYONE on this and every other costume/prop board no about this situation. You do not handle customers this way. You just don't! If I did...I'd be unemployed! AGAIN! :p

I'll post pics of the spats when they come out of their bath! :lol: I am attempting to keep a sense of humor about the whole thing. I figure it is this... punch the wall...or cry!!! :lol:
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OK, I finished using the RIT Color Remover and this is the result:

First, a pic before the spats went in:

Now this is how they look...

And a closer shot. You can kind of make out the weave in the fabric in this one.

The 2nd and 3rd pics are up against the jumpsuit so you can get an idea of the amount of color that came out. BTW- I only used 1 package of RIT and in a kettle on the stove. I think a bit of bleach would make them solid white.

So, what do you all think I should do with this jumpsuit? Try and redo the color myself, or rish PP screwing not only the color again, but quite possibly the size as well?

I await your professional opinions. :D

As always... THANKS!
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It looks like you got a lot of the color out - they look a light gray/white.
Id say screw it and color remove the whole suit. It looks like the remover worked - youre probably better off dyeing it yourself than dealing with PP anymore.
Youll get the color right this way it seems from the pics.

You can try to color remove the whole suit, but just remember that it might not work correctly the first time. You might have splotches and streaks left. The spats look pretty good, so you might have good luck with the suit as well.

I studied in Thailand for a few months...I learned that other countries don't seem to have the same "return policies" that U.S. people take for granted. The thinking seemed to be that if the customer spent money on it, they should have inspected it very well first to make sure they were satisfied before they purchased. If they didn't, then that's not the fault of the seller and the buyer shouldn't blame them for their own lack of caution. Caveat Emptor is just the way all business is usually done. I'm not saying I agree with or like that kind of "service", I'm just saying that it's routine and expected in some areas outside the U.S.
Point taken Lisa, but how do you inspect something that:
a) is custom made and not "off the shelf"
b) inpossible to see before the sale?

This is why on several occasions I asked to see a swatch. When he did scan one it was this tiny shard of fabric that resembled the tan fabric, which is why I immediately emailed him back asking if it was the fabric intended for the pouches. To this, there was no response.

I am just trying to keep everyone informed. As I have stated, I love the quality and the material used. The color is the only problem, and I am hoping that soon is taken care off.

Now I am trying to decide how many boxes of color remover to use in the washing machine and if I need to remove all the pockets prior to dyeing.
Oh, I know. From our point of view, PP should be offering better service and making good on what they promise to deliver. It's just that their point of view isn't like ours. I'm not pointing fingers, just saying that culturally speaking, the service philosophy is not the same. I find it's less frustrating to remember that it's possible somebody's not trying to be a jerk, they're just doing business the way they've grown up doing it.
I know what you mean. I wonder if they realize how much business they are losing by not paying just a bit more attention to detail. You think they would take all the mods that folks have asked for and produce a FANTASTIC MUST-HAVE version of the Jumpsuit.

BTW - I think the person I was dealing with is NOT from the Philipines. I don't know if I should give his name, but it certainly sounds more from English than Filipino.
I'd say go ahead and try to color remove the whole suit, but I disagree with bleaching it for two reasons:

1) Since it's a cotton/polyester blend, the bleach may or may not weaken the fabric. Since bleach affects different types of fabrics differently, blends sometimes get weaker or thinner when bleached. I bleached some cotton/poly gloves once, and they came out stretchy, but not at all lighter.

2) The color of the spats after dying still has some tan in them. If you are doing an ROTJ suit, keep the hint of tan and dye gray, so that you have a mix of both colors. You could get them white and THEN dye gray, but your suit would probably come out looking ESB. Unless, of course, you are doing an ESB suit :p(if that be the case, ignore reason #2).
FWIW, my jumpsuit fabric originally started out tan. I dyed it with RIT light blue, light green, and finally light gray to get a pre-pro color. You could probably just dye it a dirty looking light gray without even using color remover. Too bad you don't have some test fabric to practice on.
Thanks, I already bought 3 more boxes for the suit, but think it may be best to wait until I have the pockets moved and any other slight modifications.
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