My Open Seasons Jango Helm to date


Active Hunter
Hi all, here are some shots of my helm to date.

I am going with the Open Seasons version prior to being fixed by the govenor.

I have more to do before I install the visor.. along with some misting etc.
I didn't want to go nuts with the weathing tho.
I added one pic with the visor sitting in it for a rough perspective.

pic intensive -






The Comic that walks through Jango's history as to how he became to be the clone template.

and this is the pic

Sweet! I've always liked that version, sometimes even more than the screen version? Like the mod you made with the rf.
I would bend the stalk if it were possible. You know Kivas, the more times I see your awesome helmet and that comic pic, the more I want to do that version:lol: . Do you think it would be ok for TDH to have two versions of that armor.;)

I think I will stick with the straight stalk for now.. as I have it so it is moveable with the whole servo thing.

Cruzer - I would be happy to see someone elses interpretation :)
Kivas said:
I think I will stick with the straight stalk for now.. as I have it so it is moveable with the whole servo thing.

Cruzer - I would be happy to see someone elses interpretation :)

Ah, no bent stalk. That's still okay. the helmet looks awesome nonetheless!

What make is that? I'm not much of a helmet identifier, but to my untrained eye it looks to me like a BM. I'm probably way off though :P
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