
Active Hunter
Hey guys, just letting everyone know that my new Terminal Fettler helmet arrived the other day. I tell you guys TF is a TRUE craftsman everything on his helmets are nice and clean. In the picture of the interior of the helmet, it's MY shabby temporary wiring. The only modification I plan on making to this helmet is fulling the left ear cap with some clay or something to counter balance the rangefinder.

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Ok so I have my hard hat liner and ready to put it in, I'm going to go the velcro route but I need to know what kind of glue will keep velcro attached to nylon? Or am I bound to sewing it on?
my liner has plastic tabs that I put the industrial velcro on. It stays just fine. I will see if I cant take a pic of the inside of my helmet and post so you can see.
Yes TF painted it aswell.

On my liner there's 4 tabs that bend over the main "brim" I guess you would call it so I don't really have anything but the nylon fabric to put it on.

our cross country trip.jpg
Cut the nylon off... it will make more sense when I post a pic but I folded the plastic tabs over on them selves and placed strips of industrial Velcro on them and they hold just fine. The job of the liner is to act as a stabilizing device, not to gold the helmet up. You will want a removable piece of padding on the center of the dome for holding the helmet the correct hight.
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