My metal armor

Darasuum Verd

Active Hunter
thats right, Metal. 26 GA, its not that heavy, my first batch of armor I had found on the way back from Wally Mart a couple montsh back, this one I bought at Ace hardware... Will upload pics soon!
my power will be out today, in fact it shoulda been out almost an hour ago! I will work on my armor today while the power is out, whish is from 7:30 to 4 PST, see ya all then!
got a question the cod peice and sitting down? my metal crunched somewhat of the strain from sitting and stress. Had to sit I was overheated in the costume. Do you think this is a shape issue? Let me know how yours comes out?
What part of it crushed exactly? Just wondering because you can always build those areas up underneath by welding some small pieces onto it (should be able to get a tig weld on 28 gauge pretty easily) that will strengthen bends/creases in the metal.
This cod was a wicked beard armor peice. I had to strip it re work it and reinforce it with a couple of layers of padding but that just make it want to push out more but the welding Idea sounds very good
If you do weld it, you'll definitely want to use a TIG welder for that small of a gauge. You can get a much finer weld-point using a TIG without burning through the metal itself.
Honestly I'd probably take it to a shop and let them do it then. If your problem is occuring on a joint or seam, make yourself a small metal T shape where the edges of the T fit on each side of the joint and the stem of the T fits in the joint (you'll want a short stem, probably no more then 4-5MM at most). Use something about 2-4 gauges thicker and that should give you some nice reinforcement without losing much space. If its the underside of the cod piece (I call it the "bag ripper" because on mine thats about what it is.) then you should be able to get away with making a U shape that conforms to the inside.
mypower is still out, but I forgot I can use NetZero anywhere :P I got my collar peice done and have half of my back plates done (there will be two of them) I'll upload pics later! BTW all I have is my upper armor (minus the gauntlets) so I havent worked with a metal cod piece yet
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