Jodo Kast My Jodo outfit in the making..

Jodo Kast 3

Well-Known Hunter
Jodo Kast XIII..

Hope this helps...

What an awesome pic! it's the best red X i've ever seen! :lol:

Could you repost the pic, JK3? If the sniffer himself has awoken this 4-years old thread, I suppose that it's not to let us seeing a red 'X', no? ;)
I wish you would sniff in sniff on to another board where you can resurrect 4 year old threads, troll for post counts, and generally frolic amongst the brainless where apparently you may fit best.

Bottomline, contribute something or leave, please.
sniffer do you even have/in the process of making a costume??

all you do here is bring old threads,and then say taht "the sniffer likes your costume"

why are you here?
sniffer do you even have/in the process of making a costume??

all you do here is bring old threads,and then say taht "the sniffer likes your costume"

why are you here?

I desagree with you. I've found at least 2 threads started by The Sniffer Himself. in (((( Questions from a Sniffer)))), the sniffer wanted to start a halloween pumpkin with the head of Boba Fett (aborted project). now, the sniffer is on (((((A Sniffers Project))))), where he's trying to scratchbuild a Jango armor from found objects. He have a great idea, and now have collected... Vinegar & orange juice bottles.

I don't know if the Sniffer has achieve a costume, but it is not interesting. This forum is not an academy of costumers, just a Forum about Costuming. When you join this forum, you are not obligated to have your costume, or build your costume.

I don't want to hurt anyone. If you have been offensed by this reply, please accept my deepest humble excuses. So, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.:lol:
The sniffer is like....the time team....he digs up old roman burial grounds an examines them!:lol:

....i think its quite humerous....

Okay, I think I have written this too quickly. :( :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Words are faster than mind. The Sniffer is one of the very notorious members of this forum. My apologies to The sniffer. I don't want to have ennemies here.

Silence is better than words, because words bring ennemies faster than allies.
its annoying to many of us,it seems like he is only here to dig up things for no reason,although he is probably a cool guy,he just seems like hes here..just to spam
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