My Gauntlets


Active Hunter
My Gaunts

Well, I have just about finished my MOW gauntlets and just need to figure the way I wanna have my gauntlets stay closed, I don't wanna use an accessive amount of velcro, need to just come up with a good idea. Pics will come soon.
Yes they are, just gotta buy the switches today and install them. Then just need to figure the safest way to keep them closed lol!
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Yes they are, just gotta buy the switches today and install them. Then just need to figure the safest way to keep them closed lol!

i posted in this thread on how I closed mine.

I studied the prop photo's and I think I got it pretty accurate to the way they did it.

It hold pretty rock solid, minimum bending of the gauntlets.
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Ask for pics and I shall deliver onto thee!




Thus far they've only been minorly battle damaged, the full battle damage will come later, but I probably won't go too crazy with it lol!
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