My first topical approach.


Well-Known Hunter
Hi I just got polly scale colors from the states, 36 bottles 1/2 oz and 1 oz.

I took out a helmet I got on ebay a while back and painted the base colors on the right side and started to do it topical.

This is just a practice run before I get my MSH2. I traced the scratches and then painted them on.

What do you think, should I stay with the topical does it look like I could handle it.


As you can see the the left side is untouched with the same green color as I got it.
They were handpainted on, I plan to airbrush them on the MSH2. The colors used are the ones Rouge Studios suggested. The dome and cheek are Panzer Olive Green, the upper cheeks are Brunswik dark green and the mandable is Box car red. I got them at
Hey mobius, would you be so kind as to list the product numbers for the paints you got off that website? :)

mobius wrote:

They were handpainted on, I plan to airbrush them on the MSH2. The colors used are the ones Rouge Studios suggested. The dome and cheek are Panzer Olive Green, the upper cheeks are Brunswik dark green and the mandable is Box car red. I got them at
It is the same as Rougue Studios listed here, but here you go

Helmet (Empire version)
* Panzer Olive Green (Cheeks and dome) F505113
* Boxcar Red (mandibles) F414281
* UP Armor Yellow (Verticle stripes) F414170
* MILW Road Orange (Verticle stripes) F414152
* SP Lark Dark Gray 'unsure' (Gray around scratches) F414182
* Rust (various locations) F414323
* Chrome (scratches) I think this was actually a color called bright silver but this works best.
* Euro Dark green 'Unsure' back of helmet. 4729 (Model Master)
* Panzer dark yellow (Rangefinder ear) if you do not have aluminum ears you will need to mix a silver with this to tone it down. F505111
* RLM Green (Left ear) 'unsure' F505302
* PRR Green (Inside cheeks) this is practically black. F414164
* Rock Island Maroon (Red scratches on left ear). F414248
* Light Gray (on left ear) any light gray will do. F505061
Danke! ;)

mobius wrote:

It is the same as Rougue Studios listed here, but here you go

Helmet (Empire version)
* Panzer Olive Green (Cheeks and dome) F505113
* Boxcar Red (mandibles) F414281
* UP Armor Yellow (Verticle stripes) F414170
* MILW Road Orange (Verticle stripes) F414152
* SP Lark Dark Gray 'unsure' (Gray around scratches) F414182
* Rust (various locations) F414323
* Chrome (scratches) I think this was actually a color called bright silver but this works best.
* Euro Dark green 'Unsure' back of helmet. 4729 (Model Master)
* Panzer dark yellow (Rangefinder ear) if you do not have aluminum ears you will need to mix a silver with this to tone it down. F505111
* RLM Green (Left ear) 'unsure' F505302
* PRR Green (Inside cheeks) this is practically black. F414164
* Rock Island Maroon (Red scratches on left ear). F414248
* Light Gray (on left ear) any light gray will do. F505061
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