New Hunter
No its not a new toy by Hasbro, its my first attempt at creating a Jango outfit for a friend of mine. Here are some pics of what we have so far. I have a helmet that we are currently sanding down and a vest on the way so we can mount the rest of the armour. I'm using realy metal armour. With some sweet V.1 FP Gauntlets. And a full leather girth/holster set up. Lemme know what you guys think so far. This is just a test fitting we did to determine the placement of the velcro. We still have some adjusting to do on the suit and shape the metal a bit more. As usual the flash washed out alot of detail on the beautiful armour. Anyway... yeah.. thats where we are at so far.
Oh yeah and one more thing.. where the heck can I find some rub-n-buff. I live in Alaska so I dont have alot of the stores in the lower 48 states. Just wondering where you guys get yours from. Thanks.
Oh yeah and one more thing.. where the heck can I find some rub-n-buff. I live in Alaska so I dont have alot of the stores in the lower 48 states. Just wondering where you guys get yours from. Thanks.