My First Helmet!


Here's some shots of the helmet I'm working on. Honestly, I wasn't really satisfied with it since the inside was filled with spiky fiberglass. Plus, the details were pretty blobby to say the least.

Also, the thing is DAMN heavy. Maybe, I'll just use this as a display helmet on my mannequin. But so far, I've been able to sand, putty, etc this thing to the way I want it. No way to fix the weight though. Still alot of work to do on this though (more sanding, plus the mandibles are kinda too thick).

Anyhow, here's some pics:




Just wanted to show some updated pics of my helmet. I painted it silver then used toothpaste as a mask for damage. This is what I have done so far:




Still have a long way to go on the dome (I still need to redden the kill stripes a bit, more grey marks, clear coat and buff, etc etc) but not bad for two days work.

are you doing that rattle can style? or air brushed? i really like the layered damage.
Well, I've got just about the main part of the helmet all painted. All I need to work on is the back bottom of the helmet plus the ears and rangefinder (still waiting to get those from Sgt Fang).

I plan on taking higher res pics of it in the future, but here's how it looks so far (along with my new buddy, Masterpiece Megatron). I like it. Not exactly screen accurate but enough to look good for me.


looking pretty good up front. esb? how's the back look. and i love the megatron.
looking pretty good up front. esb? how's the back look. and i love the megatron.

I tried using both ESB and SE styles paint styles. Came out a little different than I thought but I still like it. :D

The back is still not done plus I still need to add some additional dings and nicks (also, the black paint scratches on the front). I'll post some pics of it when it's done though. Here's some newer pics I took today of the helmet.



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